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询公司贝恩公司(Bain & Company)周二公布了一项“中国2010年奢侈品市场调查”(China Luxury Market Study for 2010),该调查显示奢侈品供应商去年在中国赚了个盆满钵满。2009年,中国国内对超过200种被贝恩界定为高端产品的全球奢侈品牌的消费总额达到人民币680亿元(合102亿美元)。其中销售额最大的奢侈品之一是手表。中国消费者在购买奢侈手表方面共花费了1,550万元,而手表销售额的反弹主要得益于售价2.5万-5万元的手表,贝恩预计奢侈手表的销售额2010年还可再增加1/3。中国人对手表的消费仅次于化妆品、香水和个人保养品,中国人在这三项上面花费人民币169亿元,高踞榜首。
Amy Ma
Bain & Company's China Luxury Market Study for 2010, released Tuesday, reveals how well luxury-goods purveyors did last year in China. Total domestic luxury spending on more than 200 global brands that Bain defined as high-end - reached 68 billion yuan (US$10.2 billion) in 2009. One of the biggest categories: watches.
Chinese shoppers spent 15.5 million yuan on watches岸a sales rebound that was thanks mostly to watches in the 25,000-yuan-to-50,000-yuan range岸and Bain expects that total to grow by more than a third in 2010. Watch spending was trumped only by spending on cosmetics, perfume, and personal care, which topped the list at 16.9 billion yuan.
Bain surveyed 1,471 luxury customers in more than 10 cities across China, who named Rolex, Omega, and Cartier as the three brands they are most likely to purchase. Those brands, unsurprisingly, are also the bestsellers, along with Longines and Tudor. Together, the five brands account for roughly half of all watch sales in China.
So why are watches so attractive to China's luxury buyers? One added appeal they have is that they're considered suitable gifts by most Chinese. And it appears to be a guy thing:
Bain does not have a break down by gender on the sale of watches, but a company spokeman says that 'China is a male-dominated market, and male consumers buy more watches than women.'
Amy Ma
Chinese shoppers spent 15.5 million yuan on watches岸a sales rebound that was thanks mostly to watches in the 25,000-yuan-to-50,000-yuan range岸and Bain expects that total to grow by more than a third in 2010. Watch spending was trumped only by spending on cosmetics, perfume, and personal care, which topped the list at 16.9 billion yuan.
Bain surveyed 1,471 luxury customers in more than 10 cities across China, who named Rolex, Omega, and Cartier as the three brands they are most likely to purchase. Those brands, unsurprisingly, are also the bestsellers, along with Longines and Tudor. Together, the five brands account for roughly half of all watch sales in China.
So why are watches so attractive to China's luxury buyers? One added appeal they have is that they're considered suitable gifts by most Chinese. And it appears to be a guy thing:
Bain does not have a break down by gender on the sale of watches, but a company spokeman says that 'China is a male-dominated market, and male consumers buy more watches than women.'
Amy Ma