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巧合的是,欧洲的债务问题也在此期间死灰 燃。在欧元区所有外围国家都有可能被拖下水的情况下,这次欧洲不得不向爱尔兰伸出援手。
诚然,这种联系可能站不住脚。但这之间存在直接联系的可能性肯定是有的,而且传递这种联系的机制或许就是亚洲储蓄严重过剩。美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve,简称美联储)认为,正是这一机制导致了过去15年来全球经济失衡。
Alen Mattich
Is there a China link to Europe's sovereign debt problems?
James Hamilton, an economics professor at the University of California, San Diego, has drawn an intriguing connection on his Econbrowser blog. During the spring, he noted, the spike in Greek yields that triggered the initial sovereign debt crisis was associated with China's early efforts to tighten its overheating economy.
Concerned that a huge expansion of bank credit would trigger bubbles and generalized inflation, China put the brakes on. This was followed by a 25% correction in Chinese equity prices. It was during this period that the Greek sovereign debt problems surfaced, sending yields on Greek government bonds rocketing, and threatening contagion across the euro zone. By early summer, the Chinese government, worried that slump in domestic equities would portend a wider economic crash, tapped on the accelerator again. Meanwhile, Europe's huge rescue plan for Greece eased pressure on euro-zone sovereign debt.
But with inflation pressure on the rise, the Chinese government has once again been forced into taking action. Although most of its efforts have been aimed at price controls, they've started to turn the screw on interest rates as well. Chinese equities have dropped around 10% since.
Is it a coincidence that the European debt problems have blown up again, this time forcing a rescue of Ireland with the risk that it'll spread across the whole of the euro zone's periphery?
To be sure, the connection could be spurious. But the likelihood must be that there is a direct relationship, probably through the same mechanism that the Federal Reserve has blamed for the global imbalances of the past 15 years or so: the Asian savings glut.
If excess Asian savings pushed down yields across asset classes during the bubble years, and prompted the U.S.'s very large current account deficit, then an unwinding of excess savings ought to unwind these balances.
Unfortunately, a global rebalancing is unlikely to be a smooth and painless process, even if the end result is healthier national economies. One of the drawbacks could well be upward pressure on sovereign debt. In other words more expensive government borrowing.
Some countries, such as those across Europe's periphery, are already on the cusp of insolvency. Any modest increase in interest rates could well tip them over the edge. Once that happens yields rocket as bond investors go on strike.
If this mechanism is in fact the case, surplus countries like China and Germany may well find themselves having to take considerable losses on the foreign debt they hold. In Germany's case, these losses could come in the form of forgiving Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain some of their debts. In China's they are more likely to come in the form of a dollar devaluation.
Whatever happens, the savings these countries have built up during the era of global imbalances will be worth considerably less than these countries think. The pain will be shared widely.
Alen Mattich
James Hamilton, an economics professor at the University of California, San Diego, has drawn an intriguing connection on his Econbrowser blog. During the spring, he noted, the spike in Greek yields that triggered the initial sovereign debt crisis was associated with China's early efforts to tighten its overheating economy.
Concerned that a huge expansion of bank credit would trigger bubbles and generalized inflation, China put the brakes on. This was followed by a 25% correction in Chinese equity prices. It was during this period that the Greek sovereign debt problems surfaced, sending yields on Greek government bonds rocketing, and threatening contagion across the euro zone. By early summer, the Chinese government, worried that slump in domestic equities would portend a wider economic crash, tapped on the accelerator again. Meanwhile, Europe's huge rescue plan for Greece eased pressure on euro-zone sovereign debt.
But with inflation pressure on the rise, the Chinese government has once again been forced into taking action. Although most of its efforts have been aimed at price controls, they've started to turn the screw on interest rates as well. Chinese equities have dropped around 10% since.
Is it a coincidence that the European debt problems have blown up again, this time forcing a rescue of Ireland with the risk that it'll spread across the whole of the euro zone's periphery?
To be sure, the connection could be spurious. But the likelihood must be that there is a direct relationship, probably through the same mechanism that the Federal Reserve has blamed for the global imbalances of the past 15 years or so: the Asian savings glut.
If excess Asian savings pushed down yields across asset classes during the bubble years, and prompted the U.S.'s very large current account deficit, then an unwinding of excess savings ought to unwind these balances.
Unfortunately, a global rebalancing is unlikely to be a smooth and painless process, even if the end result is healthier national economies. One of the drawbacks could well be upward pressure on sovereign debt. In other words more expensive government borrowing.
Some countries, such as those across Europe's periphery, are already on the cusp of insolvency. Any modest increase in interest rates could well tip them over the edge. Once that happens yields rocket as bond investors go on strike.
If this mechanism is in fact the case, surplus countries like China and Germany may well find themselves having to take considerable losses on the foreign debt they hold. In Germany's case, these losses could come in the form of forgiving Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain some of their debts. In China's they are more likely to come in the form of a dollar devaluation.
Whatever happens, the savings these countries have built up during the era of global imbalances will be worth considerably less than these countries think. The pain will be shared widely.
Alen Mattich