惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)周四一篇报告估计,中国银行业今年以来的人民币新增贷款已经突破监管层设定的全年限额7.5万亿元(合1.126万亿美元),另外未记入资产负债表的信贷超过了3万亿元。
渣打银行(Standard Chartered)经济学家王志浩(Stephen Green)说,官方指标常常被中国的影子银行系统打了折扣,但愿明年的指标实施得更加严格。
毕马威(KPMG)金融服务亚太区负责人李世民(Simon Gleave)说,信托机构从本质上来说是投机性的,它们对于填补银行系统遗留的缺口非常在行。
Dinny McMahon
China's government has traditionally used its control of the largely state-owned banking sector to regulate the country's pace of economic growth, directing it to pump out cheap credit in good times and restricting the volume of new loans to prevent overheating. But controlling credit has become more difficult as the financial system gets more sophisticated, analysts say, making it more difficult for Beijing to bring the economy in for a smooth landing in coming months.
In a report Thursday, Fitch Ratings estimated that China's banks already have blown past the 7.5 trillion yuan ($1.126 trillion) limit that regulators set on new local currency lending for this year and extended more than CNY3 trillion in credit that hasn't been recorded on their balance sheets.
In total lending, that's largely unchanged from 2009, when China's banks led a massive expansion of credit 'roughly doubling the volume of new loans from a year earlier' as part of a stimulus program to keep the economy humming during the global financial crisis.
'Lending has not moderated, it has merely found other channels,' Fitch says in the report. That 'helps explain why inflation and property prices are still stubbornly high, why [third-quarter] GDP growth was stronger than expected, and why Chinese authorities have voiced so much concern about further quantitative easing in the U.S.'
The China Banking Regulatory Commission--China's bank regulator, known as CBRC--couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
The amount of loans treated this way is unclear because nobody centrally collates the data, and Fitch says its CNY3 trillion estimate for off-balance-sheet credit is a rough estimate.
Even as Beijing has tried to ratchet back on its stimulus efforts, China's consumer-price index rose by 4.4% in October from a year earlier and food prices surged 10.1%. China's gross domestic product rose 9.6% from a year earlier in the third quarter.
'The official [loan] quota is often undermined by China's shadow banking system,' said Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green. 'Hopefully next year's will be more strictly enforced.'
When Beijing moved to exit the stimulus program at the end of last year and regulators started to pressure banks to ease up on issuing credit, banks started looking for more creative ways to lend.
Fitch says bank lending 'including both the 9.6 trillion yuan formally lent as well as off-balance-sheet lending' was about CNY11 trillion last year.
'With so much activity underway in the nonbank sector, adjusting the amount of lending in the economy is no longer as simple as handing out quotas to banks and monitoring their compliance,' the report said.
Informal or underground lending has always been an important source of credit for many of China's companies, particularly during periods of credit tightening. But new, more sophisticated financial institutions are starting to fill that role, exemplified this year by trust companies.
'Trusts are opportunistic in nature and are very good at filling gaps left open by the banking system,' said Simon Gleave, regional head of Asia Pacific for financial services at KPMG.
Trusts--an investment vehicle unique to China--enabled banks to stay below their loan quota by using an informal type of securitization to repackage bank loans as investment products. With banks' deposit rates so low--at 2.5% for one year, a rate that is below the level of inflation, banks had no trouble finding investors seeking a higher return.
Banks generally take those loans off their books even though they agree with the trusts to repurchase the loans any time between a few weeks and a few years later, analysts say.
China's bank regulators have been working to curb bank off-balance-sheet lending. In August, the CBRC told banks that loans moved off their balance sheets up to that point must be returned by the end of next year.
Trusts have also become a major player in property development this year, after bank lending to the sector was curtailed by regulators wary of a bubble forming. According to data from the trusts' industry association, trust companies directed CNY320 billion toward the property sector in the first three quarters of this year. That would add significantly to the CNY1.72 trillion that banks have already lent to the sector, according to central bank data.
In some way, the move toward trust lending works in the interests of the central government.
'Having property developers turn to trusts should act as a limit on overheating of the real estate sector simply because the higher cost of capital leaves them with less options,' said Gleave.
Regulators sent the trust companies a notice early November warning them to be wary of risks in the real estate sector. Some trust companies have already curtailed their real estate lending.
The Fitch report also identified another avenue of large-scale 'credit leakage' whereby banks use a type of repurchase agreement to avoid recording discounted bill, a type of trade finance, on their balance sheets.
Dinny McMahon