
中印繁荣难掩亚洲颓势 China and India mask a regional slowdown












然而,即便出现好转,其基数也相对较低。瑞信(Credit Suisse)的数据显示,整体而言,亚洲除日本以外地区的工业产值增速全年都在迅速放缓,从1月份的25%,降至9月份的区区10.3%,剔除中国后更是仅为5.5%。

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)驻新加坡的亚洲区经济学家罗伯特•普赖尔-旺德斯弗德(Robert Prior-Wandesforde)表示,目前断言制造业生产好转为时过早。各项领先指标充其量表明,生产增长在明年3月前有“一线希望”开始提速。




汇丰(HSBC)经济学家范力民(Frederic Neumann)仍看好亚洲,他认为通胀是该地区经济增长面临的“主要风险”,并指出在2007-08年间,正是不断上涨的物价抑制了内需,导致该地区大部分经济体的增长速度在美国雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产触发全球危机前,就大幅放缓。







Standing amid the shoppers thronging Asia’s capitals it looks very much as though the region’s V-shaped recovery is steaming ahead. India and China aside, though, a disconcerting slowdown is taking hold.

The region seems to be buzzing. Restaurants are full and exports and tourist arrivals are up. Memories of the brief recession of 2009 are obscured by a 9 per cent increase in gross domestic product for Asia excluding Japan in the 15 months to June.

Yet a slew of GDP figures for the third quarter tell a different tale: GDP contracted on a seasonally adjusted quarter-on-quarter basis in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, where it also fell in the first quarter.

On the same basis, growth was flat in Taiwan, and only weakly positive in South Korea, Hong Kong and Indonesia. Even Australia rose just 0.2 per cent, compared with 1.1 per cent in the second quarter , as a rise in the commodity-fuelled local dollar hit exports.

In other nations a mix of factors has constrained growth. Domestic demand has fallen in several countries, with government spending sharply down in Malaysia and the Philippines and private consumption easing in Thailand, in part because of a fall in agricultural output.

More generally, manufactured exports have been volatile as the end of a post-crisis restocking boom in the advanced economies approaches. That has led to extremely volatile quarter-on-quarter growth in some countries, with third-quarter GDP down a record 19.8 per cent in Singapore, for example.

A minority of countries have maintained solid growth through the year, including China, Japan and India, the three largest. However, Japan’s fragile economy is expected to slow over the next two quarters as consumption incentives expire, perhaps slipping back into the recession it exited in the middle of last year.

That leaves China and India as Asia’s twin engines of growth. Both are expected to grow by more than 8 per cent this year – India mainly on the strength of domestic demand and China on a mixture of rising local consumption and sustained exports.

The growing divide between these two countries and the rest of the pack has been underlined in the past two days by manufacturing sector data for November that show activity sharply up in China and India but flat or weaker in most other economies.

There were some signs of a manufacturing recovery in the slower growing countries. Purchasing managers’ indices for both South Korea and Taiwan moved up slightly, indicating that manufacturing in both countries may be poised for a recovery of sorts.

However, any upturn would be from a relatively low base. Overall, industrial production in Asia excluding Japan has been slowing rapidly all year, falling from 25 per cent in January to just 10.3 per cent in September, or 5.5 per cent excluding China, according to Credit Suisse.

Robert Prior-Wandesforde, an Asia economist at Credit Suisse in Singapore, says it is too early to call a turn in manufacturing production. At best, he says, leading indicators suggest there is “a glimmer of hope” that production growth could start to pick up by March next year.

Others say there is potential for a more delayed return to robust growth, or even a hard landing if inflation gets out of control, especially in India or China.

India’s inflation rate was 8.58 per cent in October, in spite of six increases in interest rates this year. A further rate increase is expected in the first quarter of next year.


But China may have more to fear from inflation, which Hu Xingdou, professor of economics at the Beijing Institute of Technology, says could soar from its two-year high of 4.4 per cent – recorded in October – to 10 or 20 per cent next year. Any hint of price rises on that scale would probably trigger a drastic monetary tightening as Beijing seeks to head off social unrest.

Frederic Neumann, an HSBC economist who remains bullish on Asia, labels inflation a “major risk” to growth for the region, pointing out that it was rising prices that damped domestic demand in 2007-08, dramatically slowing most of the region’s economies even before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the US triggered the global crisis.

“The risks of another surge in prices are rising. Central bankers may then be forced to tighten [monetary policy] precipitously, eventually driving consumers and firms to cut back on spending. History sometimes repeats itself, even if not in exactly the same guise,” says Mr Neumann.


