
全球商界女性50强 Introduction: Gender revolution in the boardroom











百事(PepsiCo)首席执行官卢英德(Indra Nooyi)再次在全球商界最杰出女性榜单上名列首位,雅芳产品(Avon Products)的钟彬娴(Andrea Jung)、萨班哲集团(Sabanci Group)的居莱尔•萨班哲(Güler Sabanci)和卡夫食品(Kraft Foods)的艾琳•罗森菲尔德(Irene Rosenfeld)紧随其后。不过,这四位领跑者已感受到了新上榜者和快速崛起的挑战者的压力。

今年榜单中有几位女性备受瞩目,其中包括施乐(Xerox)的乌苏拉•伯恩斯(Ursula Burns)、杜邦(DuPont)的柯爱伦(Ellen Kullman),以及入榜六位印度女性的“旗手”——印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)的昌达科•科赫哈(Chanda Kochhar)。当我们编制去年的榜单时,这几位女性担任首席执行官的时间还不够长。

中国女性的崛起反映在两点上,一是格力电器(Gree Electric)董明珠与玖龙纸业(Nine Dragons Paper)张茵(Cheung Yan)排名的攀升,二是龙湖地产(Longfor Properties)吴亚军这位中国最富女性之一的首次上榜。

在去年入榜的女性中,有四位或退休、或辞职、或不再担任管理职务,另有三位因同行相对表现的改善而未能进入今年的榜单。阿克塞尔•约翰逊(Axel Johnson)的安东尼娅•阿克塞尔森•约翰逊(Antonia Ax:son Johnson)和AB Kinnevik的克里斯蒂娜•斯滕贝克(Cristina Stenbeck)这两位女性,未能成为今年榜单考虑的对象。尽管她们是各自公司的董事长,但评委认定她们在公司内主要担任非管理职务。



最杰出的50位商界女性是由一个专家评委会选出的,评委根据关于高管业绩和供职时间的信息做出选择。这些信息大多由高管猎头集团亿康先达国际(Egon Zehnder International)提供。



安德鲁•希尔(Andrew Hill)是英国《金融时报》副主编






Women at the Top – the Financial Times’ flagship analysis of female business leadership – is about celebration and aspiration.

Growing numbers of women are now rising to the executive board of companies around the world. Given the obstacles many have overcome to reach key positions and the difference they are already making to the way in which the business world works, their success alone is cause for celebration.

At the same time, their prominence fuels the aspirations of millions of women and girls who see themselves as future leaders.

By highlighting female executives’ work, we hope to encourage other ambitious women to meet the challenges that many of them still need to overcome to reach the summit of their professions.

In turn, by analysing the achievements of high-performing women, Women at the Top contributes to the evolution of the boardroom and executive suite. If that means more companies will reap the benefits of greater diversity, so much the better. Whether these changes will be brought about more quickly by revolution, through quotas or other legislation, or by more gentle pressure, is still a matter of fierce debate.

We are pleased to add fuel to that debate, in print and online at www.ft.com/womenatthetop, where we encourage readers to participate in discussions.

Our ranking of the top 50 women in world business is the centrepiece of the project. Bear in mind that in a world dominated by male executives, the chief executives on our list still represent a pioneering minority.

When the gender balance at this high level of the global corporate world is more even, it will cease to be newsworthy to shine a spotlight on successful female executives. When that moment arrives, we will be among the first to welcome it.


Indra Nooyi, chief executive of PepsiCo, is again the leading woman in world business, followed by Andrea Jung of Avon Products, Güler Sabanci of Sabanci Group, and Irene Rosenfeld of Kraft Foods. But these four are under pressure from new entrants and fast-emerging challengers.

In the spotlight are a handful of women who had not accumulated sufficient time as chief executives of their companies when last year’s ranking was compiled, among them Ursula Burns at Xerox, Ellen Kullman at DuPont and – a standard-bearer for the six Indian women in the list – Chanda Kochhar at ICICI.

China’s rise is reflected in the promotion within the ranking of Dong Mingzhu of Gree Electric and Cheung Yan of Nine Dragons Paper, as well as the inclusion, for the first time, of one of China’s richest women, Wu Yajun of Longfor Properties.

Four women on the 2009 list retired, resigned or gave up executive duties. Three others failed to make it because of the improved relative performance of their peers. Two women – Antonia Ax:son Johnson of Axel Johnson and Cristina Stenbeck of AB Kinnevik – were eliminated from consideration. While they chair their companies, the judges decided they held mainly non-executive roles.

View a full list of new entrants, departures and women who are likely to come into consideration next year


The top 50 was selected by an expert jury (see below) whose choice was based on information on the executives’ performance and durability, much of it supplied by Egon Zehnder International, the executive recruitment group.

A range of factors was used to assess the candidates: biographical data; size, scope and complexity of the company (including turnover and number of employees, number of sectors and countries of operation); and competitive landscape.

The judges ranked only executives managing a group’s controlling company. Our alternative 50 list honours executives excluded by this criterion. Only women who have served at least 12 months in the role are eligible. The panel also took into account each company’s performance over the past three years, using total shareholder return figures in US dollar terms, where applicable.

Andrew Hill is an associate editor of the Financial Times


