
中国建议六方紧急磋商朝鲜半岛局势 China urges N Korea talks








美国正寻求一方面在黄海展示武力——主要是派遣华盛顿号航空母舰(USS George Washington)与韩方举行联合军演,此举在朝鲜和中国都不受欢迎,另一方面争取北京方面与自己站在同一立场。







China has called for “emergency consultations” by members of the six-party talks with North Korea to cool tensions over Pyongyang’s shelling of a South Korean island on Tuesday, which killed four people.

Beijing’s call for a resumption of diplomacy early next month came hours after the US sent warships into the Yellow Sea yesterday to deliver a show of force to Pyongyang, in a deployment that irritates China.

The Chinese announcement comes amid mounting pressure on Beijing to take steps to restrain its North Korean neighbour, which relies heavily on aid from China to survive. But it was unclear whether the promise of a special emergency session could quell dissatisfaction in Washington and Seoul about the six-party process. The US and South Korea argue that Pyongyang has used the talks in the past to buy time to further its atomic know-how.

Both have argued that North Korea should not be rewarded for attacks, particularly after the shelling and the torpedoeing of a South Korean warship in March. Pyongyang has also worried Seoul and Washington with its recent disclosure of an extensive new uranium enrichment plant, which could add to its stockpile of fissile material for a bomb.

The US and South Korea insist that North Korea must show evidence of dismantling its nuclear arsenal before it can win any concessions.

“China is not behaving as a responsible world power,” John McCain, the former Republican presidential nominee, told CNN yesterday. “They could bring the North Korean economy to its knees if they wanted to. And I cannot believe that the Chinese should, in a mature fashion, not find it in their interest to restrain North Korea.” But he added that Beijing’s call for an emergency meeting of the six parties on North Korea’s nuclear programme would be “a fine first step” ahead of more pressure on Pyongyang.

The US is seeking to reconcile its Yellow Sea show of force – principally the deployment of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier in exercises with South Korea, a move that is unwelcome to both North Korea and China – with its attempts to win Beijing round to its stance.

Wu Dawei, China’s special representative on Korean affairs, said that a meeting in December would not represent a full resumption of the stalled six-party framework, which focused on ending Pyongyang’s nuclear programme. The six-party nations are China, the US, Japan, Russia and both Koreas.

Seoul stopped short of an outright rejection of the proposal, but said only that it would consider China’s offer “cautiously”, a sentiment echoed in Tokyo.

“We will co-ordinate with the relevant countries, in particular South Korea and the US, but our position has always been that we do not want to talk just for the sake of talking,” said a Japanese foreign ministry spokesman. “There has to be some action on the North Korean side ... Given recent developments, we will have to consider [the Chinese proposal] cautiously.”


