
别上炒作的当 Beware of charisma and buzz words





但热切盼望参与最新时尚投资的机构投资者以及一些私人投资者,却争相为他们提供支持。于是公司上市了,初创企业拿到了风投——如果不是因为推动这些事情的人魔鬼般的超凡魅力,恐怕没人会认真对待它们。这些人物深谙“讲故事”和“忽悠”听众的重要性。我研究了一些公司的IPO,奇怪他们究竟是怎样获得融资的。然后我想到了在金融界,形式胜于实质的情况也十分普遍。正如剧作家席勒(Schiller)所言:“外表统治世界”。(Appearance rules the world.)










An ability to raise money does not necessarily signify an ability to make money. But investors forever confuse the two skills, and this leads to a damaging misallocation of capital.

Early-stage ventures are in essence a gamble on the entrepreneurs involved. The projections of expected revenues and profits always point upwards: but no one knows the future and almost every business plan I’ve ever seen ended up wrong. Usually, launches cost more and take longer than budgeted, and often the entire model proves to be flawed – but sometimes another opportunity presents itself and becomes the enterprise’s salvation. In this, the ultimate game, the difference between the winners and losers depends entirely on the men and women you back.

I have known a number of talented promoters who are brilliant at obtaining finance for new schemes. They move, apparently seamlessly, from one project to the next: a decade ago it was the internet, then China, then mining, then infrastructure – and so on. In their minds, possessing genuine technical expertise is not seen as a requirement. They have a great instinct for the zeitgeist – the asset class of the moment. They learn a script and recruit a gang of “experts”, and prepare a very persuasive business plan. They know all the buzz words – scalable, traction, leverage, burn rate, vesting and so on. They understand the intricacies of structuring transactions to benefit themselves. But none of this means they can execute their great vision in the real world.

Yet institutional and sometimes private investors queue up to back them, desperate for exposure to the latest fashion. And so companies go public and start-ups receive VC funding – which would never have been taken seriously were it not for the devilish charisma of those fronting the undertaking. Such characters know so well the importance of storytelling and spin yarns to entrance audiences. I look at certain initial public offerings and wonder how on earth they obtained equity. Then I remember that form so commonly prevails over substance in the financial world too. As the playwright Schiller said: “Appearance rules the world.”

Promoters are a fascinating psychological study. They are mostly narcissists and given to grandiosity. This is part of their charm: in a sense they are performers, conjuring financial magic for their prospective partners. They are ultraconfident and shameless: they leap from one crashed scheme to the next, indifferent to others’ losses. Their exclusive interest will be the deal – the hard graft of actually building a business over a number of years is all too slow and boring.

I am ashamed to say on occasion I have fallen for ridiculous prospects: timber in Peru, female-only gyms, newfangled car alarms – to name but a few. The list is a depressingly long one. They all seemed like sensible ideas at the time, although with hindsight they were obvious duds. In most such cases I was blinded by the slick presentation and convinced by the front men – well-rehearsed, articulate and roaring with enthusiasm and optimism. They knew the power of a great pitch.

But hard-won experience has taught me to look deeper. I now prefer the less glossy, more mundane, subdued and practical proposition. I avoid the hot sectors and super returns. Give me the veteran manager who has spent his or her career actually running profitable organisations. I want domain knowledge and facts, rather than salesmanship and hype. Ambition and hope are easy – what matters are a strong team, a sound record and an operation that can really stand up to scrutiny.

Nevertheless, I don’t believe all mad dreamers are a menace. We need a smattering of visionaries to advance industry, even if so many of their inventions and plots turn to dust. After all, there is an element of the charlatan in every great leader of commerce – we know the lines are practised, the flattery well-judged. And those with the ingenuity to persuade investors can frequently motivate staff too. An irresistible combination would be a gritty operator and an inspirational promoter – how could that partnership fail?


