
葡萄酒鉴赏必备辞典(上) A Wine Glossary: From 'Acid' to 'Zinfandel'

编者按:喜欢葡萄酒的中国人越来越多,既为它有益健康的一面,也为每种酒所带来的不同人生体验。《华尔街日报》中文网将陆续翻译刊登美国著名葡萄酒专栏作家Dorothy J. Gaiter和 John Brecher的《葡萄酒指南》。


其间很多词条是你可能在任何彬彬有地礼地谈论酒的场合中就能听到的,这也就是为什么我们没有把乳酸发酵(malolactic fermentation)这一词条也列入的原因。这个汇编里包括了某些葡萄品种的名字,但也不是很多。举例来说,我们收入了比诺格里乔(Pinot Grigio),但没有收入维欧尼(Viognier)。就个人而言,我们远远更喜欢维欧尼,但比诺格里乔已成为美国最流行的进口葡萄酒,因此理所当然地被列入了。最后,我们避免了几乎任何有关葡萄酒品尝方面的词条,而这些品酒词条本身就足够开辟另一个专栏了。准备好了吗?下面就是按字母顺序排列的词条汇编。




原产地管理证明(Appellation Controlee):是法国的一种制度,其规定了某地域内酿酒的规则。是一种世界通用的行业标准。



波尔多(Bordeaux):法国一地区,最知名的是主要采用赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和梅鹿辄(Merlot)葡萄品种酿制上等的红葡萄酒。

葡萄孢菌(Botrytis Cinerea):所谓的“高贵的腐烂”菌,其作用是在所塔尔那(Sauternes)和其它地区酿制出某些优质的佐甜点酒,其方法是让葡萄变干瘪和浓缩果汁。

勃艮第(Burgundy):法国一地区,最知名的是用黑比诺葡萄(Pinot Noir)酿制的红酒以及用霞多丽葡萄(Chardonnay)酿制的白酒。

赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon):用以酿制红酒的葡萄品种。著名的波尔多地区(Bordeaux)产的葡萄酒和加州的许多顶级葡萄酒就是用此品种酿制而成。




香槟(Champagne):法国一地区,出产世界上最好的起泡酒,采用的是黑比诺(Pinot Noir)、皮诺穆尼耶(Pinot Meunier)和霞多丽(Chardonnay)葡萄品种。


白诗南(Chenin Blanc):是用以酿制干葡萄酒和甜葡萄酒的优质葡萄品种。在美国有时指“廉价的白葡萄酒”,但有时也指精良的单品种葡萄酒。


1855年评级(Classification of 1855):对波尔多地区的葡萄酒按“等级”(growth)进行的著名的排名,至今仍具重要意义。“等级”的评定是基于质量、价格和营销这些要素。


发烧友葡萄酒(Cult Wines):是上世纪90年代葡萄酒炒作泡沫的象征。指罕见的、极高品质和及其昂贵的酒,一般为加州红酒。与其说这些是酒买来喝的,倒不如说它们常常是为了进行倒卖炒作的。


DOCG(Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita):代表意大利品质最高的葡萄酒,但判断酒的质量并非完全能依赖这个标记。

唐・培里侬(Dom Perignon):早期香槟酿制史上曾作出重要贡献的一位修道士,但他并没有真正“发明”香槟。也指一种精良昂贵的香槟酒。

乔治・迪宝夫(Duboeuf, Georges):一位法国酿酒大师和市场营销大师,他为把莱新薄酒(Beaujolais Nouveau)推广到世界各地做出了卓越贡献。


第一级别(First Growth):包括五种: Chateaux Lafite Rothschild,、Latour,、Margaux,、Haut-Brion 和 Mouton Rothschild


法国悖论(French Paradox):在1991年的一期美国 “60分钟时事杂志”('60 Minutes')的电视节目中发布的报告暗示说,红葡萄酒让法国人保持了健康。这引发了红葡萄酒的销量在美国大增。

安杰罗・加亚(Gaja, Angelo):意大利皮埃蒙特区(Piedmont)中一位杰出的酿酒师及流行趋势领军人物。

Gallo, E.&J: 在Constellation酒庄即将对澳大利亚的Hardy酒庄进行收购之前,它曾是世界上最大的酿酒企业。这是一家美国企业,在美国国内销售的每四瓶葡萄酒中有一瓶就出自该企业。


风土气息(Gout de Terroir):所谓“泥土味道”,该理念认为,葡萄应该传递给人们葡萄的生长地区的自然气息。

冰葡萄酒(Ice Wine):(德国也叫做Eiswein)。佐甜点酒,采用冰冻葡萄酿制而成,为加拿大特产。

Labrusca(或称Vitis Labrusca):不要和廉价的意大利红酒Lambrusco混为一谈。它是在美国本土生长的葡萄,生长的葡萄品种如Concord。


We decided we would come up with 100 things people might want to know about the world of wine, giving each entry 20 words or less. Unfortunately, our editor told us we could only have 1,800 words of space. So here they are: 78 things that you might want to know, or at least some interesting little factlets, about wine.

Many of these are simply terms that you might hear in any polite conversation about wine; that's why we haven't included malolactic fermentation. We have included a few grape types, but not many. For instance, we have included Pinot Grigio but not Viognier. Personally, we far prefer Viognier, but Pinot Grigio has become the most popular imported wine in America and therefore has placed itself on the list. Finally, we have avoided almost all wine-tasting terms, which are a whole column in their own right. Ready? Here they are, in alphabetical order.

Acid. In the right proportion, gives many wines their balance and longevity. Wines without enough acids are often called 'flabby.'

Alsace. French region bordering Germany best-known for distinctive whites such as peppery Gew垩rztraminer.

Appellation. Where the grapes came from. Often, the more specific, the better.

Appellation Controlee. French system that sets rules for winemaking in geographic areas. A world standard.

Australia. After a decade-long surge, the second-biggest exporter of wines into the U.S. by volume after Italy.

Beaujolais. French region producing delightful red wine from Gamay grapes; one of the world's great wine bargains.

Bordeaux. French region best-known for classy reds made primarily from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.

Botrytis Cinerea. 'Noble rot' fungus responsible for making some great dessert wines in Sauternes and elsewhere by shriveling grapes and concentrating juice.

Burgundy. French region best-known for reds made from Pinot Noir and whites made from Chardonnay.

Cabernet Sauvignon. Red-wine grape responsible for famous Bordeaux wines and many California 'cult wines.'

California. Produces 90% of wines made in the U.S. and 70% of wines drunk in the U.S. Most important regions: Napa, Sonoma.

Cava. Spanish sparkling wine.

Chablis. French region (part of Burgundy) making special, seafood-friendly wines from Chardonnay. Used in U.S. to mean 'cheap, generic white.'

Champagne. French region making the world's best sparkling wine from Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay grapes.

Chardonnay. Great white grape of Burgundy. No. 1 'varietal' wine in America.

Chenin Blanc. Fine grape for dry and sweet wines. Sometimes used in U.S. to mean 'cheap white,' but sometimes a fine varietal.

Chile. Up-and-coming wine exporter best-known for value-priced Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Classification of 1855. Famous ranking of Bordeaux wine by 'growth' - based on quality, price and politics - that's still important today.

Corked. Wine that's tainted by a bad cork. Tends to smell like wet cardboard or a wet dog.

Cult Wines. Symbol of '90s bubble. Hard-to-find, excellent, very expensive and generally red California wines more often bought and sold than drunk.

Disgorge. Process in Champagne in which the sediment is popped out of the bottle before the final cork is inserted.

DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita). Italian symbol of highest quality, though it can be hit-or-miss.

Dom Perignon. Monk important in early Champagne-making, though he didn't really 'invent' Champagne. Also the name of a fine, expensive Champagne.

Duboeuf, Georges. French winemaker and brilliant marketer who did much to popularize Beaujolais Nouveau around the world.

Finish. The lingering taste a wine leaves after you swallow it.

First Growth. Chateaux Lafite Rothschild, Latour, Margaux, Haut-Brion and Mouton Rothschild.

Fortified. Wines with brandy or other spirits added, such as Port.

French Paradox. '60 Minutes' report on this (1991) hinted that red wine keeps French healthy. Led to surge in U.S. red-wine consumption.

Gaja, Angelo. Great winemaker and trend-setter in the Piedmont region of Italy.

Gallo, E.&J. World's biggest winemaker (until Constellation's pending takeover of Australia's Hardy). U.S. firm makes one of every four bottles sold domestically.

Gewurztraminer. Peppery white wine that's a specialty of the Alsace region of France.

Gout de Terroir. 'Taste of the earth,' the notion that grapes should pass on the natural aspects that are present in a place.

Ice Wine (Eiswein in Germany). Dessert wine made from frozen grapes. A specialty of Canada.

Labrusca (or Vitis Labrusca). Not Lambrusco, the inexpensive Italian red, but the kind of vine that produces native American grapes, such as Concord.

Loire. French region best-known for summery whites.
