Playboy Enterprises
门已经取代美国赌城拉斯维加斯,成为世界博彩之都,人们在澳门赌桌上押下的赌注超过世界上任何地方。然而,尽管曾为葡萄牙殖民地的城市主导了这一黑暗的行业,它还缺一样东西:拉斯维加斯光鲜亮丽的派对气氛。花花公子公司(Playboy Enterprises)的那帮人希望改变这一点。

Playboy Enterprises
曾为兔女郎的珀尔努拉(Denise Pernula)从怀俄明州飞来担任评委,她是《花花公子》杂志2007年的“11月小姐”。身为2006年开业的拉斯维加斯花花公子俱乐部的兔女郎,她说,她了解那种压力,这些女孩要得到这份工作将承受巨大的压力,她们必须聪明、魅力十足、有吸引力。那身材呢?她说,所有兔女郎的个子和身材都不同。
花花公子兔女郎最初在公司经营的很多俱乐部担任女招待,但80年代末都关闭了。兔女郎们受到很多批评家的严厉抨击,包括女权主义者斯泰纳姆(Gloria Steinem),她嘲笑外貌胜过一切的兔女郎甄选和训练过程是可耻的。
在澳门,花花公子当然也是靠性感。但俱乐部总经理马丁(Reggie Martin)说,澳门的俱乐部将为这里的客户进行量身定制。

Playboy Enterprises
花花公子深深扎根于美国流行文化,并且往往是性感的代名词,但在中国却有着另外一个形象,即时尚服装品牌。杂志不在中国销售,因为色情书刊是被禁止的,但其印有兔子标志的品牌服装在中国大陆卖了20年左右。花花公子的网站被中国防火 屏蔽了。
花花公子销售授权部门总裁杜尔迪(Jeff Dougherty)说,中国人认为我们是一个美国时尚品牌,但我们认为他们会被品牌吸引到俱乐部里。
1. 工作之前不要吃意面大餐。如果吃了衣服就会太紧。
2. 小费会放在你的乳沟里,所以要记住,晚上收工后脱掉衣服时钱会掉下来。
3. 把尾巴固定在衣服上。客人会试图偷你的尾巴。
4. 工作时除了高跟鞋,再带一双舒适的鞋。穿久了高跟鞋后,你到处奔忙时会需要舒服的鞋子。
5. 工作时享受乐趣但不要喝的太多。保持专业精神。
Jason Chow
Macau has overtaken Las Vegas as the gambling capital of the world - more money is bet on tables there than any other place in the world. But while the former Portuguese colony has its sordid corners, it lacks the glossy party atmosphere of its American peer.
The people at Playboy Enterprises want to change that.
Playboy - that he-man brand created in the 1950s by Hugh Hefner that's best known in the West for its magazine - is betting big that its kind of glamour will sell well in this part of Asia. The company is opening its second club, a 1,115-square-meter club in Macau on the penthouse level of the Sands Macau Hotel (its other club is in Las Vegas). There's more in the works: A 2,787-square-meter mansion is planned for Macau in 2012.
But first, Playboy will go looking for bunnies.
We're talking Playboy Bunnies, of course - women clad in skimpy costumes, complete with tight corsets, a tuxedo collar, bunny ears and a cottontail. On Friday, the club hosted a casting call to find the 20 bunnies they need for opening day (scheduled for Nov. 20). According to the organizers, around 600 women from around the world have already applied. Friday's bunny-hunt event was a chance for some of the final candidates to be interviewed, presented to the press, and to have their pictures taken in their swimsuits. The final roster will be announced later.
Denise Pernula, a former bunny and model who posed for the magazine as Miss November 2007, flew from Wyoming to serve as one of the judges. As a bunny for the Playboy club in Las Vegas, which opened in 2006, she says she understands the pressure. The women will be under 'a lot of…stress' to land the job, she says. 'They have to be intelligent, charming, attractive.' As for physique? 'All bunnies come in different shapes and sizes,' she added.
The original Playboy Bunnies were waitresses at the many clubs the company used to run but shut down in the late 1980s. The Bunnies came under fire from many critics, including the feminist Gloria Steinem, who derided the selection and training process - where looks trumped all - as degrading.
In Macau, Playboy is banking on sex appeal, of course. But Reggie Martin, the club's general manager, says that the Macau club will be tailored to its clientele.
'The Asian market is very different from the U.S. market,' said Mr. Martin, an American from Indiana who has lived in Macau for eight years. 'It won't be as crazy as Las Vegas. More chill. Las Vegas has a lot of college-aged people while Macau has more of a mature crowd. It also draws more of a local crowd than a tourist crowd.'
He later added, 'We really want to establish Macau as more than just a gaming destination.'
While Playboy is ingrained in American pop culture and synonymous with sex appeal, in China it has a different image - as a fashion line. The magazine is not sold in China, where pornography is banned, though Playboy has sold clothing with its bunny logo in the mainland for about 20 years. Chinese firewalls keep Playboy's website at bay.
'The Chinese think of us as an American fashion brand,' said Jeff Dougherty, vice president of marketing license group at Playboy. 'But we think they'll be lured by the brand to the club.'
And by the bunnies, of course. Candidates for the job will be interviewed in swimsuits. And Mr. Dougherty said one of the obvious requirements for the job is 'to look terrific in the bunny costume.'
Once the staff is picked, they'll be central to the club and to its identity, just like in its previous ones. 'No matter what time you're in the club, there will be a bunny,' said Mr. Martin. 'Guaranteed.'
Denise Pernula' s five tips for future bunnies:
1. 'Don't eat a big pasta meal before work. The costume will get tight if you do.'
2. 'Tips will go in your cleavage, so don't forget that money will fall out when you take off your costume at the end of the night.'
3. 'Pin your tail to your costume. People will try to steal it.'
4. 'Bring your heels and a pair of comfortable shoes to work. After being in your heels, you'll need them when you have to run around.'
5. 'Have fun but don't drink too much on the job. Stay professional.'
Jason Chow
The people at Playboy Enterprises want to change that.
Playboy - that he-man brand created in the 1950s by Hugh Hefner that's best known in the West for its magazine - is betting big that its kind of glamour will sell well in this part of Asia. The company is opening its second club, a 1,115-square-meter club in Macau on the penthouse level of the Sands Macau Hotel (its other club is in Las Vegas). There's more in the works: A 2,787-square-meter mansion is planned for Macau in 2012.
But first, Playboy will go looking for bunnies.
We're talking Playboy Bunnies, of course - women clad in skimpy costumes, complete with tight corsets, a tuxedo collar, bunny ears and a cottontail. On Friday, the club hosted a casting call to find the 20 bunnies they need for opening day (scheduled for Nov. 20). According to the organizers, around 600 women from around the world have already applied. Friday's bunny-hunt event was a chance for some of the final candidates to be interviewed, presented to the press, and to have their pictures taken in their swimsuits. The final roster will be announced later.
Denise Pernula, a former bunny and model who posed for the magazine as Miss November 2007, flew from Wyoming to serve as one of the judges. As a bunny for the Playboy club in Las Vegas, which opened in 2006, she says she understands the pressure. The women will be under 'a lot of…stress' to land the job, she says. 'They have to be intelligent, charming, attractive.' As for physique? 'All bunnies come in different shapes and sizes,' she added.
The original Playboy Bunnies were waitresses at the many clubs the company used to run but shut down in the late 1980s. The Bunnies came under fire from many critics, including the feminist Gloria Steinem, who derided the selection and training process - where looks trumped all - as degrading.
In Macau, Playboy is banking on sex appeal, of course. But Reggie Martin, the club's general manager, says that the Macau club will be tailored to its clientele.
'The Asian market is very different from the U.S. market,' said Mr. Martin, an American from Indiana who has lived in Macau for eight years. 'It won't be as crazy as Las Vegas. More chill. Las Vegas has a lot of college-aged people while Macau has more of a mature crowd. It also draws more of a local crowd than a tourist crowd.'
He later added, 'We really want to establish Macau as more than just a gaming destination.'
While Playboy is ingrained in American pop culture and synonymous with sex appeal, in China it has a different image - as a fashion line. The magazine is not sold in China, where pornography is banned, though Playboy has sold clothing with its bunny logo in the mainland for about 20 years. Chinese firewalls keep Playboy's website at bay.
'The Chinese think of us as an American fashion brand,' said Jeff Dougherty, vice president of marketing license group at Playboy. 'But we think they'll be lured by the brand to the club.'
And by the bunnies, of course. Candidates for the job will be interviewed in swimsuits. And Mr. Dougherty said one of the obvious requirements for the job is 'to look terrific in the bunny costume.'
Once the staff is picked, they'll be central to the club and to its identity, just like in its previous ones. 'No matter what time you're in the club, there will be a bunny,' said Mr. Martin. 'Guaranteed.'
Denise Pernula' s five tips for future bunnies:
1. 'Don't eat a big pasta meal before work. The costume will get tight if you do.'
2. 'Tips will go in your cleavage, so don't forget that money will fall out when you take off your costume at the end of the night.'
3. 'Pin your tail to your costume. People will try to steal it.'
4. 'Bring your heels and a pair of comfortable shoes to work. After being in your heels, you'll need them when you have to run around.'
5. 'Have fun but don't drink too much on the job. Stay professional.'
Jason Chow