国手表藏家已经把注意力转向了古董表。其中原因在于传统和怀旧情绪,佳士得拍卖行(Christie's)的手表专家潘茜•库(Pansy Ku)女士说,中国买家年岁渐长,古旧的风格会让他们想起自己的父辈和祖辈。古董表可以是一种非常气派的东西,不管怎么说,一些中国帝王就曾经把钟表当作消遣之物。

再来看看百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)。2005年,亚洲取代了美国的地位,成为了这个家族手表公司的最大市场。亚洲地区的买家新旧兼收,对古董表的兴趣更是与日俱增。库女士预计,或迟或早,中国市场对百达翡丽古董表的兴趣将会超过西方市场。
Reenita Malhotra Hora
Chinese watch collectors have begun to shift their focus toward vintage pieces.
It boils down to heritage and nostalgia: 'As the Chinese buyers grow older, antique styles remind them of their fathers and grandfathers,' says Pansy Ku, a watch specialist at Christie's. 'Vintage watches can be quite regal. After all timepieces were a pastime of some Chinese emperors.'
Indeed. Each season, Christie's presents a range of 19th-century timepieces made especially for the Chinese market. Not surprisingly, these tend to be popular with Chinese buyers. In 2005, Christies brought to auction a circa-1820 18-karat gold, enamel and pearl Piguet & Meylan watch. Stamped FO for its Geneva maker, Frères Oltramare, the watch carried a top estimate of 550,000 Hong Kong dollars (US$70,700). It sold for just over HK$3 million. Three years later, a pair of circa-1820 gold, enamel and seed pearl Piguet & Meylan pocket watches went on the block at Christie's. They reputedly were a gift from the English royal family to the Emperor Qianlong. The estimate: HK$1.2 million to HK$2 million. The sales price: HK$2,900,000.
This year, at the auction house's Dec. 2 auction of watches, five 19th-century timepieces made especially for the Chinese market are coming up for sale. One, a circa-1877 gold-and-enamel pocket watch depicting three angels, is estimated to sell for between HK$320,000 and HK$480,000.
And then there's Patek Philippe. In 2005, Asia overtook the U.S. as the biggest market for this family-owned watch company. Collectors in this region are buying both new and vintage models, but there is an increasing focus on older pieces. Ms. Ku predicts it's just a matter of time before Chinese interest in vintage Patek Philippes overtakes that of the West.
Reenita Malhotra Hora
It boils down to heritage and nostalgia: 'As the Chinese buyers grow older, antique styles remind them of their fathers and grandfathers,' says Pansy Ku, a watch specialist at Christie's. 'Vintage watches can be quite regal. After all timepieces were a pastime of some Chinese emperors.'
Indeed. Each season, Christie's presents a range of 19th-century timepieces made especially for the Chinese market. Not surprisingly, these tend to be popular with Chinese buyers. In 2005, Christies brought to auction a circa-1820 18-karat gold, enamel and pearl Piguet & Meylan watch. Stamped FO for its Geneva maker, Frères Oltramare, the watch carried a top estimate of 550,000 Hong Kong dollars (US$70,700). It sold for just over HK$3 million. Three years later, a pair of circa-1820 gold, enamel and seed pearl Piguet & Meylan pocket watches went on the block at Christie's. They reputedly were a gift from the English royal family to the Emperor Qianlong. The estimate: HK$1.2 million to HK$2 million. The sales price: HK$2,900,000.
This year, at the auction house's Dec. 2 auction of watches, five 19th-century timepieces made especially for the Chinese market are coming up for sale. One, a circa-1877 gold-and-enamel pocket watch depicting three angels, is estimated to sell for between HK$320,000 and HK$480,000.
And then there's Patek Philippe. In 2005, Asia overtook the U.S. as the biggest market for this family-owned watch company. Collectors in this region are buying both new and vintage models, but there is an increasing focus on older pieces. Ms. Ku predicts it's just a matter of time before Chinese interest in vintage Patek Philippes overtakes that of the West.
Reenita Malhotra Hora