(注:王慧恩(Vicky Wong)出生于香港,2001年创建了乐华智才(EPC Consulting)。这是一家面向中国的高级管理人员招聘与人力资源公司,拥有32名雇员,在香港、广州、上海和北京均设有办事处。)
*跟着,我赶往距离我们办公室两个街区的粤式点心店利苑,去见我们在大陆的合作伙伴徐加莉。徐加莉在广州非常有影响力,我们所有的政府关系、牌照与劳工问题都由她负责处理。我们讨论了亚运会将如何影响广州在国际舞台上的地位,沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)-比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)之行将如何推动中国慈善活动发展。
*最后,我去参加了与华南美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce of South China)的会谈,讨论我们共同赞助的人力资源培训项目。在富士康(Foxconn)与本田(Honda)争议事件之后,促进工作场所的和谐,已经成为了优先事务。我们向华南地区的跨国与中资公司,提供最低工资、劳动法最新变动、福利、雇主品牌建设、职业发展与工作环境等问题的建议。

Hong Kong-born Vicky Wong founded EPC Consulting, a China-focused executive recruitment and human resources company, in 2001. EPC has 32 employees spread over four offices in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing.
I’m based in Hong Kong, but I spend two days a week in Guangzhou. I take the 8:18am Hong Kong-Guangzhou Express Train. With my Hong Kong identity card and China returnee card, I can go through both sides of the immigration in just 10 minutes. But because of the forthcoming Asian Games in Guangzhou, the train is quite full.
As soon as I arrive in Guangzhou, I meet the 14 staff members in our office to review projects and clients. Guangzhou is our research base but we discuss opening a new office in Shenzhen, where more clients are asking us to help them recruit employees.
Two of my senior managers report on their research on candidates and the market in general in connection with two recent executive searches. We had to find a specialist in 20th century Chinese painting for an auction house, and a managing director for a China property fund for a Chinese investment bank.
Head off to Lei Yuan, a Cantonese dim sum restaurant two blocks away from the office, to meet Xu Jiali, our Chinese partner. Ms Xu is very influential in Guangzhou and handles all our government relations, licensing and labour issues. We discuss how the Asia Games will put Guangzhou on the international map and how philanthropy has received a boost after the Warren Buffett-Bill Gates trip.
Our strengths are in the art, oil and energy industries, and Chinese companies going abroad. We have been working on the Chinese art specialist roles for two months. We looked at the key competitors in the auction field, galleries and museums across Hong Kong, Taiwan, the mainland, and overseas as well.
I’ve already intervieweda candidate on the phone today. Serious candidates take between one and two hours.
For any opening, we research and approach the candidates. I prefer to approach them in person or by phone if possible. E-mail is one-way and often does not give a feel for the human side and motivation.
Language requirements vary. English and Mandarin are two important criteria for senior executives in China. I usually conduct the interviews in English. Mandarin is the working language in China, but if the candidate has a certain technical skill set or management expertise, that can outweigh the language limitations. About 35 per cent of the candidates we place are from greater Asia – Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan – and 60 per cent are from mainland China. About 5 per cent are westerners.
I phone one of our clients who is looking for an executive with experience in chemical coating. I try to convince them to consider candidates from other chemical-related industries, as there are not enough skilled people to fill the jobs available. Otherwise, clients can wait six months to a year to fill vacancies.
Attend a meeting with the American Chamber of Commerce of South China to discuss our jointly-sponsored HR training programme. After the Foxconn and Honda controversies, establishing harmony in the workplace has become a priority. We offer advice to multinational and Chinese companies in South China on issues such as minimum wages, labour law updates, benefits, employer branding, career development and working conditions.
Often, it’s not just about the money when staff go on a strike – they are looking for attention and a sense of security from management.