港太平山(Peak)既是香港岛的最高峰,也是香港形象的巅峰代表。站在这里,全香港的壮观景色可尽收眼底。此外,亚洲最为昂贵的一些房产项目和香港部分首富也都住在这里。太平山又称柯士甸山(Mount Austin)。地产经纪公司第一太平戴维斯(Savills)数据显示,这里一套有四间卧室的普通住宅售价超过2亿港元,而租金更是天文数字,已不断攀升至每月35万港元,一个面积185平方米的两间卧室的公寓每月租金可达10万港元。
太平山地区到处是低层公寓楼、独幢别墅和联排别墅。其中一条名为“乐善美道”(Rosmead Road)的街道上就安静地矗立着多个私家公馆,从这里到香港中环地区(Central District)开车不过15分钟。在这条路上半山腰地区,有一座建筑面积547平方米的三层别墅,别墅可俯瞰香港岛南部,共有五间卧室,挑高的会客室和餐厅各一个,分别相对独立。超宽的玻璃让别墅采光良好。
Joanna Mahtani
A typical four-bedroom house on the Peak (also known as Mount Austin) sells for more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars (US$26 million) and fetches an astronomical rent of upwards of HK$350,000 a month; rent on a two-bedroom, 185-square-meter apartment can run HK$100,000 a month, according to Savills, a real-estate brokerage firm.
The Mount Austin area is dotted with mostly low-rise apartment buildings, single-family homes and townhouse developments. This three-story, five-bedroom house on Rosmead Road - a quiet stretch of mansion-like homes, just a 15-minute drive from Hong Kong's Central District - is on the lower Peak, overlooking the south side of Hong Kong island. Approximately 547 square meters in size, it has a separate living and dining room with high ceilings. Wide expanses of glass allow natural light to pour in.
'The house epitomizes sophisticated luxury and unparalleled privacy. The design has brought to me a feeling of harmony and indulgence,' says the owner, a Hong Kong businessman. He bought the property in 1987 and lived there until a few years ago. He now lives in homes on the Peak and the south side of Hong Kong island.
The house, vacant since he moved out, has undergone a major renovation and refurbishment. It features a private garden, a swimming pool, terraces and a roof garden. The asking price is HK$250 million and Savills is an appointed agent.
-By Joanna Mahtani
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