Alice Truong/The Wall Street Journal
古地产有限公司(Swire Properties)以开发办公楼和购物中心知名,香港金钟(Admiralty)的太古广场(Pacific Place)就是一个显著的例子。不过,这个周末,太古地产却会向住宅地产市场发起最新一轮冲击。本周六,该公司将开始发售位于香港半山区(Mid-Levels District)一幢新建高楼当中的51套单元住宅,开盘价为每平方尺22,288港元(2,875美元)。该项目名为“蔚然”(Azura),地址是西摩道2A,预计将于2012年底竣工,楼高53层,总共包括126套住宅。太古地产的销售经理Alex Tsoi说,剩余75套住宅的销售日期尚未确定,取决于市场的反应。
一般来说,太古地产每年都会开发一到两个住宅专案。该公司过去开发的香港住宅专案包括半山区的“雅宾利”(the Albany)和?鱼涌(Quarry Bay)的“逸桦园”(the Orchards)。
Alice Truong
Swire Properties is better known for its offices and shopping malls ─ think Pacific Place in Hong Kong's Admiralty District ─ but this weekend the company will mark its latest foray in residential property.
Fifty-one residential units in a new Mid-Levels District high-rise in Hong Kong will go on sale Saturday. The asking price is 22,288 Hong Kong dollars per square foot (US$2,875). The building, called Azura on 2A Seymour Rd., is expected to be completed at the end of 2012 and includes 126 units on 53 floors. The remaining 75 units will be sold at an undetermined date depending on market response, said Alex Tsoi, sales manager of Swire Properties.
Swire generally develops one or two residential listings a year. Past residential projects in Hong Kong include the Albany in Mid-Levels and the Orchards in Quarry Bay.
Azura's floor plan places three units in a fan shape on each level, with a larger 1,600-square-foot four-bedroom unit sandwiched between two three-bedroom 1,300-square-foot units. Prices for the units on sale Saturday - apartments on the 19th to 38th floors - range from HK$32.7 million to HK$52.5 million.
Alice Truong
Fifty-one residential units in a new Mid-Levels District high-rise in Hong Kong will go on sale Saturday. The asking price is 22,288 Hong Kong dollars per square foot (US$2,875). The building, called Azura on 2A Seymour Rd., is expected to be completed at the end of 2012 and includes 126 units on 53 floors. The remaining 75 units will be sold at an undetermined date depending on market response, said Alex Tsoi, sales manager of Swire Properties.
Swire generally develops one or two residential listings a year. Past residential projects in Hong Kong include the Albany in Mid-Levels and the Orchards in Quarry Bay.
Azura's floor plan places three units in a fan shape on each level, with a larger 1,600-square-foot four-bedroom unit sandwiched between two three-bedroom 1,300-square-foot units. Prices for the units on sale Saturday - apartments on the 19th to 38th floors - range from HK$32.7 million to HK$52.5 million.
Alice Truong