Antique Wine Company
Antique Wine Company
"显赫酒庄"系列酒柜出自英国酒商Antique Wine公司的创意,制作者则是伊莉萨白二世女王的外甥、定制家具设计师戴维·林莱(David Linley)。
迄今为止,Antique Wine公司在欧洲、墨西哥、美国和亚洲的客户已经买走了14个酒柜。不过,只有一个客户买了一整套酒柜,那就是澳门的葡京酒店(Hotel Lisboa)。该酒店声称自己拥有在亚洲数一数二的葡萄酒收藏,藏酒品牌多达3,000个以上。葡京酒店买下了全套的九个酒柜,但却没有买酒柜里面的名酒,并且宣布将把这些酒柜陈列在酒店的米其林三星餐厅Robuchon a Galera当中。(酒店没有披露这些酒柜的买价。)
Antique Wine公司的首席执行长威廉姆斯(Stephen Williams)说,今天的名酒藏家已经不再将自己的收藏锁进尘封的地窖,而往往会通过精心的设计使它们与自己的家居融为一体,为自己的家居增辉添彩。他补充说,亚洲的藏家尤其热衷于炫耀自己的葡萄酒收藏(相关情况可参见关于亚洲酒窖的文章)。
Amy Ma
They look like dollhouses-carefully crafted wooden models made of light sycamore, ash and rosewood-but the contents are not for children.
Introducing the Grand Château Series: nine wine cabinets modeled after the most-celebrated estates in Bordeaux: Château Margaux, Château d'Yquem, Château Petrus, Château Haut-Brion, Château La Mission Haut-Brion, Château Mouton Rothschild, Château Latour, Château Cheval Blanc and Château Lafite Rothschild.
Bespoke furniture designer David Linley, a nephew of Queen Elizabeth II, made all the cabinets for this project, which was initiated by the U.K. wine merchant Antique Wine Company.
Behind the doors of each cabinet are drawers filled with wine from one of these estates: 18 bottles of its best vintages from the past 200 years. And atop each cabinet is an architectural model of the actual country house of the estate in question.
But at £149,000 British pounds (US$239,205) apiece-£199,000 for the Château Petrus and Lafite cabinets, because of the rarity of the vintagesinside-who's buying them?
So far, 14 cabinets have sold to Antique Wine Company clients in Europe, Mexico, the U.S. and Asia. But only one customer has bought an entire set: the Hotel Lisboa in Macau, which says it has one of Asia's largest wine collections, comprising more than 3,000 labels. The hotel bought all nine cabinets, minus the premium wine bottles - and says it plans to keep the cabinets on display in its three-star Michelin restaurant Robuchon à Galera. (The hotel company did not disclose the price it paid.)
'No longer relegated to dusty cellars, the collections of today's fine-wine enthusiasts are now often cleverly integrated into, and featured within, their homes,' says Antique Wine Company Chief Executive Stephen Williams. Asian collectors, in particular, are eager to show off their wines, he adds (link to the article on Asian wine cellars).
Mr. Linley made only five sets of the nine cabinets, so only 22 remain. Anyone for $240,000 worth of wine and a fancy chest of drawers?
Amy Ma
Introducing the Grand Château Series: nine wine cabinets modeled after the most-celebrated estates in Bordeaux: Château Margaux, Château d'Yquem, Château Petrus, Château Haut-Brion, Château La Mission Haut-Brion, Château Mouton Rothschild, Château Latour, Château Cheval Blanc and Château Lafite Rothschild.
Bespoke furniture designer David Linley, a nephew of Queen Elizabeth II, made all the cabinets for this project, which was initiated by the U.K. wine merchant Antique Wine Company.
Behind the doors of each cabinet are drawers filled with wine from one of these estates: 18 bottles of its best vintages from the past 200 years. And atop each cabinet is an architectural model of the actual country house of the estate in question.
But at £149,000 British pounds (US$239,205) apiece-£199,000 for the Château Petrus and Lafite cabinets, because of the rarity of the vintagesinside-who's buying them?
So far, 14 cabinets have sold to Antique Wine Company clients in Europe, Mexico, the U.S. and Asia. But only one customer has bought an entire set: the Hotel Lisboa in Macau, which says it has one of Asia's largest wine collections, comprising more than 3,000 labels. The hotel bought all nine cabinets, minus the premium wine bottles - and says it plans to keep the cabinets on display in its three-star Michelin restaurant Robuchon à Galera. (The hotel company did not disclose the price it paid.)
'No longer relegated to dusty cellars, the collections of today's fine-wine enthusiasts are now often cleverly integrated into, and featured within, their homes,' says Antique Wine Company Chief Executive Stephen Williams. Asian collectors, in particular, are eager to show off their wines, he adds (link to the article on Asian wine cellars).
Mr. Linley made only five sets of the nine cabinets, so only 22 remain. Anyone for $240,000 worth of wine and a fancy chest of drawers?
Amy Ma