Associated Press
港历来以其大型外国人社区闻名遐迩。汇丰银行(HSBC Bank)公布了其第三份海外侨民年度调查报告,对世界上25个国家的侨民海外生活体验做了排名,其中香港名列第13,恰好位居正中。侨民海外体验最棒的是哪个国家?还用说么,显然是泰国了。在安排金融事务的方便性、平衡工作与生活、娱乐以及融入当地文化的方便程度等各方面,泰国的排名均名列前茅。加拿大和巴林分别位列第二和第三位。报告共对超过100个国家的4,127名海外侨民做了调查,调查是由一个独立的第三方调研公司在4月至6月间完成的。
Cathy Yan
Hong Kong, known for its large expat community, ranks as the 13th-best expat experience─squarely in the middle of the 25 countries covered in HSBC Bank's third annual Expat Explorer report, released this week.
The best place to live as an expat? Apparently Thailand, which ranked high in all the categories considered, including ease of setting up finances, work-life balance, entertainment and ease of integration with the local culture. Canada and Bahrain ranked second and third. The report is based on a survey of 4,127 expats from more than 100 countries, conducted between April and June by a third-party research firm.
Hong Kong performed poorly in cultural integration, ranking 18th out of the 25 in that category. Although the majority of Hong Kong expats surveyed said it was easy to make friends, 79% also said that they tend to socialize with their expat friends more than local friends. The survey quoted one Hong Kong expat as saying the city is 'culturally challenging,' with the challenges including the lack of expats joining local community groups or learning Cantonese. Countries in the Middle East, including Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, also ranked low in this category.
Where Hong Kong does rank high: Despite sky-high rents, 58% said it was easy to find accommodations. And 90% said that it is easy to travel within Hong Kong─no Cantonese required.
Cathy Yan
The best place to live as an expat? Apparently Thailand, which ranked high in all the categories considered, including ease of setting up finances, work-life balance, entertainment and ease of integration with the local culture. Canada and Bahrain ranked second and third. The report is based on a survey of 4,127 expats from more than 100 countries, conducted between April and June by a third-party research firm.
Hong Kong performed poorly in cultural integration, ranking 18th out of the 25 in that category. Although the majority of Hong Kong expats surveyed said it was easy to make friends, 79% also said that they tend to socialize with their expat friends more than local friends. The survey quoted one Hong Kong expat as saying the city is 'culturally challenging,' with the challenges including the lack of expats joining local community groups or learning Cantonese. Countries in the Middle East, including Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, also ranked low in this category.
Where Hong Kong does rank high: Despite sky-high rents, 58% said it was easy to find accommodations. And 90% said that it is easy to travel within Hong Kong─no Cantonese required.
Cathy Yan