国众议院金融服务委员会(House Financial Services Committee)主席、马萨诸塞州民主党员弗兰克(Barney Frank)周一指责共和党人在中国央行官员批评美联储(Federal Reserve)时与这些中国官员站在了同一边。
AP Photo/Harry Hamburg
弗兰克对美联储政策委员会──联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)本月作出的购买6000亿美元美国国债的决定进行了辩护,美联储的这一决策受到了其他国家央行官员的批评。
国会中的共和党人对美联储的债券购买计划提出了批评,声称这最终将导致通胀加剧。即将就任众议院共和党领袖的博纳(John Boehner)上周也同其他党派领袖一道,抱怨此举可能令美元走软,催生世界各地的资产泡沫。
堪萨斯城联邦储备银行行长霍恩(Thomas Hoenig)是联邦公开市场委员会11月3日的投票中唯一的反对者,他下周将向众议院共和党员发表讲话,届时议员们已结束他们长达一周的感恩节假期。
正考虑竞选总统的前阿拉斯加州州长佩林(Sarah Palin)也对美联储的举措提出了严厉批评。
Patrick O'Connor
Rep. Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who chairs the House Financial Services Committee, accused Republicans on Monday of siding with Chinese central bankers in their attacks on the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The Republicans are joining the Central Bank of China in criticizing [Fed Chairman] Ben Bernanke,” Mr. Frank said Monday during an interview on Bloomberg Television. “This is really distressing to me.”
Mr. Frank was defending this month’s decision by the Fed’s policy committee, the Federal Open Market Committee, to buy as much as $600 billion in Treasury debt, a move that has been criticized by central bankers in other countries.
“I wish we had more fiscal stimulus,” Mr. Frank said. “In the absence of that, given inflation, (Mr. Bernanke) is doing a very reasonable thing.”
The Fed has increasingly become a political target for the resurgent Republican Party, both on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign trail.
Congressional Republicans have criticized the Fed’s debt purchase plan, arguing it will eventually lead to higher inflation. House GOP Leader John Boehner, the presumptive speaker next year when Republicans regains control of the chamber, joined other party leaders last week in complaining the move risked weakening the dollar and fueling asset bubbles around the world.
Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and the lone dissenter in the Nov. 3 FOMC vote, is scheduled to address House Republicans next week, when lawmakers return from their week-long Thanksgiving break.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who is weighing a presidential bid, also blasted the Fed’s move.
“And then to have Republican leaders in Congress” agree with those complaints “is bizarre,” Mr. Frank said. “The Republicans are arguing that the Fed should not even be concerned about unemployment.”
The U.S. central bank is required by law to monitor both inflation and unemployment, he pointed out.
Mr. Frank, who will relinquish the chairman’s gavel next year, said many of the incoming Republicans “are more negative than is reasonable about government in general,” arguing their refusal to raise the debt limit “does not make sense.”
“That is not policy,” he said. “That is a tantrum.”
Patrick O'Connor
The Republicans are joining the Central Bank of China in criticizing [Fed Chairman] Ben Bernanke,” Mr. Frank said Monday during an interview on Bloomberg Television. “This is really distressing to me.”
Mr. Frank was defending this month’s decision by the Fed’s policy committee, the Federal Open Market Committee, to buy as much as $600 billion in Treasury debt, a move that has been criticized by central bankers in other countries.
“I wish we had more fiscal stimulus,” Mr. Frank said. “In the absence of that, given inflation, (Mr. Bernanke) is doing a very reasonable thing.”
The Fed has increasingly become a political target for the resurgent Republican Party, both on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign trail.
Congressional Republicans have criticized the Fed’s debt purchase plan, arguing it will eventually lead to higher inflation. House GOP Leader John Boehner, the presumptive speaker next year when Republicans regains control of the chamber, joined other party leaders last week in complaining the move risked weakening the dollar and fueling asset bubbles around the world.
Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and the lone dissenter in the Nov. 3 FOMC vote, is scheduled to address House Republicans next week, when lawmakers return from their week-long Thanksgiving break.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who is weighing a presidential bid, also blasted the Fed’s move.
“And then to have Republican leaders in Congress” agree with those complaints “is bizarre,” Mr. Frank said. “The Republicans are arguing that the Fed should not even be concerned about unemployment.”
The U.S. central bank is required by law to monitor both inflation and unemployment, he pointed out.
Mr. Frank, who will relinquish the chairman’s gavel next year, said many of the incoming Republicans “are more negative than is reasonable about government in general,” arguing their refusal to raise the debt limit “does not make sense.”
“That is not policy,” he said. “That is a tantrum.”
Patrick O'Connor