
中国炒房团看上澳洲高端房产 Will Chinese Buyers Bid on These Luxury Homes?

Ray White

Ray White

预计来自世界各地的投资者,尤其是中国投资者,将蜂拥至拍卖会现场,争相抢购这些高端住宅。主办本次拍卖会的房地产经纪公司Ray White,最近几周向中国客户出售了超过20所澳大利亚房产。Ray White是澳大利亚最大的房产经纪公司之一,在上海等多个亚洲城市设有办事处。

该公司董事长怀特(Brian White)说,中国投资者咨询澳洲房产的人很多,且源源不断。他补充说,中国人喜欢“名牌”住宅项目,如位于黄金海岸(Gold Coast)的冲浪者天堂希尔顿酒店与住宅(Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel & Residences)就深受中国客户青睐。希尔顿似乎已注意到这一点,该项目的官方网站上设置了中英文两种语言。他解释说,能够购买名牌住宅项目让买家平添了一种与众不同的气场。

Enda Curran



Australia's property market has cooled from its recent highs, but it's still resilient and shows no signs of a sharp correction.

With the economy showing strong, steady growth, the boundless opportunities to buy high-end properties ─ in locations ranging from along the oceanfront to rolling farmland ─ attract buyers from home and abroad. Evidence of that international demand will be on display Nov. 8 when 11 high-end properties (see slideshow) are offered at an auction at Sydney's world-famous opera house.

Investors from around the world, but especially China, are expected to flock to the auction and snap up the residences. Ray White, the real-estate agency hosting the auction, has sold more than 20 Australian properties to Chinese cients in recent weeks. (One of Australia's largest agencies, it also has offices in Asia, including one in Shanghai.)

'It's a good, steady level of enquiry,' Brian White, the agency's chairman, says about demand from Chinese investors. They're keen on 'branded' residential projects, he adds, such as the Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel & Residences development on the Gold Coast. (Hilton seems to have noticed─the development's website is in both English and Chinese.) 'To buy into a branded product carries additional aura,' he explains.

Enda Curran
