Illustration by Dilcia Martinez
佐酒餐食:虽然不如赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)或黑比诺(Pinot Noir)那么稳重和沉着,但西拉葡萄酒也绝非粗糙之辈。它既是食用鹅肝酱时不错的选择,也可在野外聚餐大口吞咽一个汁多饱满的汉堡时作家常饮品。
价格公道:西拉近年来已成为深受人们喜爱的一个葡萄品种,其前途一派光明。而且幸运的是,它的价格相对来说仍在公众可接受的范围内。西拉葡萄酒还尚未进入动辄便拍出天价的波尔多 (Bordeaux)或勃艮第 (Burgundies) 葡萄酒的名利场。如果你买一瓶西拉葡萄酒,很可能是用来喝的,而不是为了炫耀等目的。对一瓶葡萄酒来说,还有什么比其味道受到大众喜爱更值得夸耀的吗?
Amy Ma
The Aussie grape, Shiraz, is the same as the French grape from the Northern Rhône valley, Syrah - both are easy-to-drink wines that have risen in popularity recently. This sun-loving grape flourishes in warm climes, and the ripe fruits produce wines powerful in taste, but soft in texture. The signature spiced flavor makes it easily distinguished from other reds.
The taste. Think of flavors you'd find in a pie. Jammy fruits and scents from the spice rack - sweet (cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg) and savory (cumin, black pepper, and chili). In addition to these hearty winter flavors, you may also detect a rich, tropical fruit note - pineapples, coconut, mangos, or even banana.
The pairing. Less serious and composed than a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir, Shiraz is nevertheless not crass. It's a fine choice with a plate of foie gras, but also works just as well with a juicy burger on a picnic blanket.
The bargain. Shiraz has become a beloved up-and-comer grape in recent years. Fortunately, it has remained relatively affordable. It has yet to enjoy the fanfare given to Bordeaux or Burgundies that can generate record-breaking prices. Chances are, if you are buying a bottle of Shiraz, it's to drink. And what better reason is there than that?
Amy Ma
The taste. Think of flavors you'd find in a pie. Jammy fruits and scents from the spice rack - sweet (cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg) and savory (cumin, black pepper, and chili). In addition to these hearty winter flavors, you may also detect a rich, tropical fruit note - pineapples, coconut, mangos, or even banana.
The pairing. Less serious and composed than a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir, Shiraz is nevertheless not crass. It's a fine choice with a plate of foie gras, but also works just as well with a juicy burger on a picnic blanket.
The bargain. Shiraz has become a beloved up-and-comer grape in recent years. Fortunately, it has remained relatively affordable. It has yet to enjoy the fanfare given to Bordeaux or Burgundies that can generate record-breaking prices. Chances are, if you are buying a bottle of Shiraz, it's to drink. And what better reason is there than that?
Amy Ma