水上迷你社区”(Aquaminium)到底是个什么东西?根据住宅项目“皇家普吉码头”(Royal Phuket Marina) 首席行政长和开发商拉尔法尼(Gulu Lalvani)的说法,“水上迷你社区”指的是水上住宅项目,它有陆地公寓所没有的特色,即设有一个室内“停船场”。拉尔法尼说“水上迷你公寓”这个词是他发明的。
拉尔法尼说,这个住宅项目的灵感来自詹姆斯•邦德(James Bond)。007系列电影中,邦德这位英国秘密特工经常要坐船迅速逃离现场,而他手边总有一只现成的小船。(位于该项目附近的海岛Khoah Phing Kan,因在1974年的007电影《金枪人》(The Man with the Golden Gun)中出现过,所以又被称作“詹姆斯•邦德岛”。)
“皇家普吉码头” 拒绝透露业主身份,只表示14位住宅购买者当中,有十位是来自香港和新加坡不同行业的首席执行长。不过还有其它线索可供挖掘。根据该住宅项目的资料,另外四位买家中,有两位分别是台湾半导体和儿童制衣业巨头,一位是在亚洲复制古董家具设计而发了大财的英国人,另外一位是鼎鼎大名的餐厅老板,常年居住于普吉岛。
Amy Ma
So what exactly is an Aquaminium?
According to Gulu Lalvani, the Royal Phuket Marina chief executive and developer who says he created the term, it's an apartment complex on the water with one added feature ─ an indoor parking garage for a boat.
At the Royal Phuket Marina, these garages are available in just two penthouse units; the other apartments have outdoor docking stations. But according to Mr. Lalvani, who founded with his brother the U.K. consumer-electronics company Binatone, the latest must-have in luxury living is a dock just steps from your front door.
The idea came from James Bond, says Mr. Lalvani. In the movies, the British secret agent often needs to make a quick getaway by boat, and of course, one was always close at hand. (The nearby island of Khoah Phing Kan is nicknamed 'James Bond Island' because it appeared in 'The Man with the Golden Gun' in 1974.)
Of the 15 apartments, two penthouses, and five villas in the Aquaminium complex, which was completed in 2009, 14 units are occupied. A second complex is in the works.
The marina won't reveal the list of residents, except to say that 10 are chief executives from Hong Kong and Singapore in various industries. And there are other clues. Among the well-to-do, according to the marina, are two Taiwanese tycoons ─ one in the semiconductor industry and the other in children's garments ─ and an Englishman who made his fortune replicating antique-furniture designs in Asia. Also joining the neighborhood is a long-term Phuket resident and famed restaurateur.
Hobnobbing with such power folk will no doubt be a bonus ─ according to the marina. One British businessman who now lives there said, the Aquaminium community will be a 'place where you can meet up with like-minded people.'
Eight units remain ─ prices range from $734,375 for a 169-square-meter two-bedroom apartment to $10.5 million for a 2,869-square-meter 'Grand Villa' ─ and Mr. Lalvani is looking for buyers from mainland China. Thus far, there have been none.
Amy Ma
According to Gulu Lalvani, the Royal Phuket Marina chief executive and developer who says he created the term, it's an apartment complex on the water with one added feature ─ an indoor parking garage for a boat.
At the Royal Phuket Marina, these garages are available in just two penthouse units; the other apartments have outdoor docking stations. But according to Mr. Lalvani, who founded with his brother the U.K. consumer-electronics company Binatone, the latest must-have in luxury living is a dock just steps from your front door.
The idea came from James Bond, says Mr. Lalvani. In the movies, the British secret agent often needs to make a quick getaway by boat, and of course, one was always close at hand. (The nearby island of Khoah Phing Kan is nicknamed 'James Bond Island' because it appeared in 'The Man with the Golden Gun' in 1974.)
Of the 15 apartments, two penthouses, and five villas in the Aquaminium complex, which was completed in 2009, 14 units are occupied. A second complex is in the works.
The marina won't reveal the list of residents, except to say that 10 are chief executives from Hong Kong and Singapore in various industries. And there are other clues. Among the well-to-do, according to the marina, are two Taiwanese tycoons ─ one in the semiconductor industry and the other in children's garments ─ and an Englishman who made his fortune replicating antique-furniture designs in Asia. Also joining the neighborhood is a long-term Phuket resident and famed restaurateur.
Hobnobbing with such power folk will no doubt be a bonus ─ according to the marina. One British businessman who now lives there said, the Aquaminium community will be a 'place where you can meet up with like-minded people.'
Eight units remain ─ prices range from $734,375 for a 169-square-meter two-bedroom apartment to $10.5 million for a 2,869-square-meter 'Grand Villa' ─ and Mr. Lalvani is looking for buyers from mainland China. Thus far, there have been none.
Amy Ma