沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的伯克希尔-哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)同意向美国银行(BofA)投资50亿美元,以提振人们对该行的信心。这笔交易突显出巴菲特在危机时期稳定美国金融机构方面的作用。
知情人士表示,巴菲特周三向美银首席执行官布赖恩•莫伊尼汉(Brian Moynihan)表示,他有意投资美银。尽管莫伊尼汉坚称,美银不需要额外资本,但他同意伯克希尔-哈撒韦此举可能安抚华尔街的紧张神经。
美银本周进行了回击,公开反驳发表在一些金融博客上的分析和谣言。美银坚决否认了外界的某些传言,即该行需要逾1000亿美元新资本,还驳斥了摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)将要发起紧急收购的猜测。
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has agreed to invest $5bn to shore up confidence in Bank of America, in a deal that underscores the billionaire’s role in stabilising US financial institutions in times of crisis.
BofA’s shares have tumbled almost 40 per cent this year amid concerns the US bank’s troubled mortgage business could overwhelm its balance sheet, forcing the lender’s executives to reverse course and raise additional equity.
News of the Berkshire deal pushed BofA’s stock up on Thursday. By mid-morning in New York, the shares were up 12 per cent at $7.82, with other banks also trading higher.
People familiar with the matter said that Mr Buffett on Wednesday signalled that he was interested in investing in the bank to Brian Moynihan, BofA’s chief executive. While Mr Moynihan maintained that the bank did not need extra capital, he agreed Berkshire’s move could ease Wall Street’s nerves.
“Bank of America is a strong, well-led company, and I called [Mr Moynihan] to tell him I wanted to invest in it. I am impressed with the profit-generating abilities of this franchise, and that they are acting aggressively to put their challenges behind them,” Mr Buffett said.
BofA’s vast book of troubled mortgages and a raft of legal issues have continued to drain confidence in its capital position, heightening speculation that it might need to raise equity – a costly move that would damage its executives’ credibility.
This week BofA hit back, publicly denying analysis and rumours published on a number of financial blogs. It strongly denied suggestions that the bank needed more than $100bn in new capital and dismissed speculation that JPMorgan Chase was set to mount an emergency takeover.