位天主教神父希望直言不讳地说出自己对香港商界领袖、香港最大房地产开发商之一李嘉诚的想法,这已促成香港教会与李嘉诚代表见面,并且教会还发表了一份不同寻常的澄清启事表示"遗憾",虽然该启事不是这位神父发出的。事件始于10月31日那天,天主教香港教区神父罗国辉(Reverend Thomas Law)在与他人讨论并批评香港房地产时将李嘉诚比作魔鬼。万圣节(Halloween)聚会结束后,罗国辉说,鬼都不能和贪婪的地产开发商相提并论,并说李嘉诚是"杀人不眨眼的真正恶魔"。
香港当地媒体纷纷引用了罗国辉的话,罗国辉的话传到了地产大亨李嘉诚的耳朵里。11月2日,李嘉诚旗下的长江实业(集团)有限公司(Cheung Kong Holdings)企业战略主管Gerald Ma在自己的办公室里会见了天主教香港教区副主教杨鸣章(General Michael Yeung)。据香港教区办公室表示,Gerald Ma在与杨鸣章会见期间给李嘉诚打了电话,李嘉诚与杨鸣章直接通话。李嘉诚的代表没有对此事发表评论。

Cathy Yan
A Catholic priest's willingness to speak his mind about Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong business leader who is one of the city's biggest real-estate developers, has prompted meetings with a representative of Mr. Li and an unusual statement of 'regret' from the church -- though not from the priest.
It all started on Oct. 31, when Reverend Thomas Law of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong compared Li Ka-shing to the devil in a discussion criticizing property practices. After a Halloween party, the Rev. Law said that ghosts couldn't compare to greedy property developers and mentioned Mr. Li as the 'true devil that kills people.'
Local media picked up the Reverend's comments, which made their way to the property magnate. On Nov. 2, Gerald Ma, head of corporate strategy for Mr. Li's Cheung Kong Holdings and a devout Catholic, met with Vicar General Michael Yeung at his office. According to the diocese office, Mr. Ma called Mr. Li during the meeting so that he could speak directly to Mr. Yeung. Representatives for Mr. Li weren't available for comment.
This Thursday, the Catholic diocese released a statement in its church publication that expressed 'regret' for causing 'unpleasantness' for Mr. Li. The statement also mentioned that Mr. Li has decided not to pursue the incident and will continue to fund the diocese's Caritas charity. The diocese has otherwise remained silent about the incident â ' the bishop and high-ranking priests, including Mr. Yeung, have been on an annual retreat and are unavailable until next week.
Rev. Law, who remained in Hong Kong, has plenty to say. He insists that his comment was made in a casual conversation among friends, in the school playground after the Halloween party.
'I was actually making jokes with my friends,' he says. 'It was not a talk nor a formal sermon.' He says that he didn't mean to target Mr. Li, that it wasn't a personal attack on the businessman, and that Mr. Li was merely used as an example of all property developers.
However, Rev. Law doesn't regret making the statements: 'I have nothing to add to my comments nor do I wish to withdraw a sentence.' He said he knew local media was present and he had permitted them to be there.
Although the Reverend said he had no comment on his diocese's statement of regret, he is keeping the conversation alive on his Facebook page. In a post from 4 p.m. Friday, the Reverend wrote: 'The Church is the holder of God's Truth. It should NOT give in to the rich & famous, or 'compromise' our belief & principles for the comfort of the continuing donation.' The comment drew 12 'likes' and two comments of support.
Cathy Yan
It all started on Oct. 31, when Reverend Thomas Law of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong compared Li Ka-shing to the devil in a discussion criticizing property practices. After a Halloween party, the Rev. Law said that ghosts couldn't compare to greedy property developers and mentioned Mr. Li as the 'true devil that kills people.'
Local media picked up the Reverend's comments, which made their way to the property magnate. On Nov. 2, Gerald Ma, head of corporate strategy for Mr. Li's Cheung Kong Holdings and a devout Catholic, met with Vicar General Michael Yeung at his office. According to the diocese office, Mr. Ma called Mr. Li during the meeting so that he could speak directly to Mr. Yeung. Representatives for Mr. Li weren't available for comment.
This Thursday, the Catholic diocese released a statement in its church publication that expressed 'regret' for causing 'unpleasantness' for Mr. Li. The statement also mentioned that Mr. Li has decided not to pursue the incident and will continue to fund the diocese's Caritas charity. The diocese has otherwise remained silent about the incident â ' the bishop and high-ranking priests, including Mr. Yeung, have been on an annual retreat and are unavailable until next week.
Rev. Law, who remained in Hong Kong, has plenty to say. He insists that his comment was made in a casual conversation among friends, in the school playground after the Halloween party.
'I was actually making jokes with my friends,' he says. 'It was not a talk nor a formal sermon.' He says that he didn't mean to target Mr. Li, that it wasn't a personal attack on the businessman, and that Mr. Li was merely used as an example of all property developers.
However, Rev. Law doesn't regret making the statements: 'I have nothing to add to my comments nor do I wish to withdraw a sentence.' He said he knew local media was present and he had permitted them to be there.
Although the Reverend said he had no comment on his diocese's statement of regret, he is keeping the conversation alive on his Facebook page. In a post from 4 p.m. Friday, the Reverend wrote: 'The Church is the holder of God's Truth. It should NOT give in to the rich & famous, or 'compromise' our belief & principles for the comfort of the continuing donation.' The comment drew 12 'likes' and two comments of support.
Cathy Yan