
温家宝:中国将调低经济增长目标 Wen Says China To Lower Growth Target






2006年公布的"十一五"规划将经济增长的目标定在7.5%,但2006年至2010年之间,经济实际增速为11.1%。上一次中国政府将经济增长目标设定在7%还是2001年的事情,那时中国刚从亚洲金融危机中复苏过来,GDP增长了7.5%。但据摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的数据,在2001年至2005年之间,中国GDP平均增长率为9.8%。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)中国分析师王庆说,政府在五年规划中设定的目标往往并不能准确地预示未来五年的增长情况。但这也意味着我们将看到经济增长放缓。他预测在接下来的五年里年均增长率为9%,随后的五年中年均增长率不到8%。

其他人则不太乐观。哈佛大学经济学家罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)警告说,中国经济可能会狠狠摔一跤,尤其是如果中国受到银行危机的羁绊。


这就导致了一个奇怪的现象:中国之外的国家都在试图加速增长,期望从全球金融危机中复苏过来,而中国正试图踩刹车。布鲁金斯学会的经济学家普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)说,中国的领导人不是排斥经济增长,而是意识到他们没有取得有质量的增长,普通家庭没有获得与经济增长相称的利益。












Bob Davis


China's premier said the government wants slower economic growth to avoid inflation and to restructure the economy, even as much of the developed world is struggling to accelerate expansion.

Premier Wen Jiabao said the government's official target for average gross domestic product growth over the next five years will be 7% annually, down from a target of 7.5% in the past half decade. While official targets routinely underestimate growth, the move is nonetheless an important signal that government priorities in the world's No. 2 economy are shifting to reduce dependence on exports and capital-intensive industries in favor of creating conditions for more domestic demand.

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal website, WSJ.com.)

China's stunning rise has come through huge investment in capital-intensive industries like steel and by turning itself into the world's factory floor, manned by workers who migrate to coastal cities from impoverished rural areas. But China's growth rate of more than 9% a year over the past three decades has come with steep costs: heavy pollution, a sharp increase in inequality and pervasive corruption.

'We'll never seek economic growth rate and big size at the price of environment,' Mr. Wen told Chinese Internet users in an online chat Sunday in which he disclosed the new target. 'That would result in unsustainable growth featuring industrial overcapacity and intensive resource consumption.'

Chinese economists cautioned the 7% goal shouldn't be taken literally, but as a signal to the world and to provincial authorities that the government is serious about shifting the drivers of growth toward domestic consumption.

The previous five-year plan, announced in 2006, had a growth target of 7.5%, but the economy grew 11.1% between 2006 and 2010. The last time China set a growth rate as low as 7% was in 2001, when China was recovering from the Asian financial crisis and GDP grew 7.5%. Still, between 2001 and 2005, China's GDP wound up growing, on average, 9.8%, according to J.P. Morgan.

'The official target under the five-year plan tends to be a very poor indicator of growth over next five years,' said Qing Wang, a Morgan Stanley China analyst. 'But it suggests we'll see slower growth ahead.' He forecasts average annual growth of 9% a year over the coming five years, and less than 8% for the following five years.

Others are less sanguine. Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff warned China may stumble more sharply, particularly if it is tripped up by a banking crisis.

A number of economists inside and outside of China argue that the past growth rates are unsustainable, as China's population ages and the country has fewer opportunities for sharp gains by further increasing exports and investment.

This has led to a curious dichotomy: The world outside China is trying to accelerate growth to recover from the global financial crisis while China is trying to tap on the brakes. 'Chinese leaders are not averse to growth, but they realize they are not getting good-quality growth that has commensurate benefits for the average household,' says Brookings Institution economist Eswar Prasad.

Mr. Wen, China's leading economic official, made his comments in the run-up to the formal release of China's next five-year economic plan at the annual meeting of its National People's Congress that starts on March 5.

Mr. Wen every year also issues a separate, and equally symbolic, 'target' for that year's growth of 8% in his speech at the start of the legislative session. It's unclear whether that figure will also be adjusted down when Mr. Wen addresses the NPC.

The U.S. and other members of the Group of 20 major economies have been urging China to 'rebalance' its growth, so that it relies less on export growth, and Mr. Wen has adopted that as a goal since at least 2004. But China has made little progress. The percentage of the economy accounted for by consumption is far lower than in other major economies. By skewing growth toward investment, the government has funneled the economy's largesse into huge state-owned enterprises and away from households, stoking public resentment. Mr. Wen's call to rebalance growth toward consumption represents a challenge to the state-owned 'national champions' who have gobbled up a growing slice of the country's wealth, benefitting their senior managers and their political patrons in the Communist Party. This month, state media reported the sacking of the powerful railways minister who oversaw billions of dollars of investment in state firms building a high-speed rail network.

Provincial officials, who carry out economic plans, also have little incentive to reduce investment because they are largely graded on their ability to deliver fast growth. New projects also can become sources of payoffs from developers and others.

According to the Xinhua report--in a section called 'remarkable quotes from Wen's online chats with netizens'--the Chinese government plans to adopt 'new evaluation criteria' for local governments that 'would give more weight to efficiency, environment protection and the people's living standards.' Xinhua didn't report any specifics.

Shifting to domestic sources of demand would invariably mean slower growth rates, said Mr. Prasad, the Brookings economist. But even a slower rate of growth could produce more jobs as labor-intensive service industries develop further. Employment grew in China by just 0.9% a year between 2000 and 2009, despite its rapid GDP expansion.

Premier Wen also made clear that China didn't intend to use exchange rates more aggressively to further its economic goals, as has been urged by G-20 nations. The yuan has appreciated 3.7% against the dollar since China said in mid-June 2010 that it would let its currency float somewhat, for an average of a bit less than 0.5% a month. An appreciating currency can boost living standards by making imports cheaper. It also can be a tool to fight inflation.

The Chinese premier reiterated that the currency would move in a 'prudent and gradual manner,' according to Xinhua. 'A one-off and hefty appreciation of the yuan will bankrupt many export businesses with the loss of workers' jobs, especially those of rural migrant workers,' he said.

Mr. Wen was at his most specific in outlining steps that would be taken to limit the rise of property values, which some economists believe are in danger of inflating into a bubble. 'We have to contain the excessive price growth and keep housing prices at a reasonable level,' he was quoted as saying. The government plans to build 36 million 'affordable homes' by 2015, he said, and would use 'economic, legal and administrative methods, if necessary, to restrict speculation.'

While a Xinhua 'backgrounder,' discussed China's use of monetary policy to try to curb inflation and property speculation, Mr. Wen didn't mention interest-rate policy in the Xinhua report. Earlier this month, China lifted its benchmark one-year yuan lending rate by 0.25 percentage point to 6.06%, the third rise in four months. More tightening is expected.

But China generally relies on other tools to fight inflation, including industrial policy. To fight food inflation, for instance, China has boosted purchasing prices for grains, increased rural water conservation projects and sold government reserves of grain, oil and sugar. It is wary of relying on interest rates, in part, because boosting them makes it even tougher for China to keep its currency from appreciating further.

Bob Davis

中国的两难抉择 China's Trade-off

Razeen Sally

现在,中国加入世贸组织(World Trade Organization)已经将近十年了。刚加入世贸组织的时候,中国被动地引进了"全球秩序",接纳了主要由美国制定的种种既有政策、规则和制度。从当时的表现来看,中国很像是一个中小规模的经济体,只能努力适应现存的国际贸易条件。如今,中国已经比肩于美国和欧盟,成了世界经济三巨头之一。它是世界第二大经济体,也是最大的出口国,还是危机之后全球经济增长的最大功臣。

AFP/Getty Images


然而,在旨在进一步消除全球贸易壁垒的多哈回合谈判(Doha Round)当中,中国仍然扮演着一个十分扎眼的边缘化被动角色。它的默认立场仍然是消极应变,让其他的巨头采取主动。此外,它签下的各种自由贸易协定通常都没有什么力度。举例来说,韩国与美国和欧盟之间的自由贸易协定意味着几个经济巨头之间的贸易壁垒全面撤除,中国政府与东盟之间的同类协定却只起到了取消关税的作用,几乎是完全没有触动商品及服务贸易、投资、公共采购等领域的制度壁垒。更有甚者,中国签署的另一些自由贸易协定连废除大部分关税的目的都没有达到,它与巴基斯坦之间的协定即是如此。








不过,前景不一定会像乍看起来那么悲观。之前的自由化改革已经把中国深深地楔入了全球供应链条,要是在回头路上走得太远的话,后果将使它无法承受。与此同时,中国政府致力于制造稳步增长的繁荣局面,因此也就越来越无法维持原地踏步的状态。然而,如果找不到一个打破眼前僵局的办法,中国就发挥不了什么真正意义上的全球领袖作用。这样的事实要求中国的领导人放低身段,免得在国际舞台上留下一个越来越盛气 人的印象,同时也要求外国的领导人采取一种务实的态度,这样才能指望中国在国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)、世贸组织和G-20峰会之类的国际论坛上发挥更大的领袖作用。

(本文作者Razeen Sally为欧洲国际政治经济研究中心(European Centre for International Political Economy)主任及伦敦经济学院(London School of Economics)教员。)


Razeen Sally

It is almost a decade since China joined the World Trade Organization. Back then, China imported 'global order': it absorbed pre-existing, mainly U.S.-designed policies, rules and institutions. It acted rather like a small or medium-sized economy that could only adapt to the international terms of trade. Now China is one of the Big Three, alongside the U.S. and European Union. It is the world's second-largest economy and its leading exporter of goods. It is also the biggest post-crisis contributor to global growth.

In line with its growing economic size, Beijing wants to influence international prices and shape global rules. But that will require significant changes in the ways Beijing thinks about economic policy, and Beijing has resisted those changes to date. This creates uncertainty and instability for China and the rest of the world, and has implications for other leaders looking to China to play a constructive role in global economic matters.

Global trade issues best reveal China's policy shift, and also its policy dilemma. China's membership of the WTO has been a resounding success. Access to the WTO's rules-based system and dispute-resolution process has defused manifold tensions and smoothed China's rapid integration into the global economy. Beijing also has negotiated bilateral or regional free-trade agreements such as the one with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

But China also has been a conspicuously passive and marginal player in the Doha Round of talks to further liberalize global trade. Its default position is still to react, leaving other big players to take initiatives. And its FTAs tend to be fairly weak. Whereas, for instance, South Korea's FTAs with the U.S. and EU represent comprehensive liberalization in trade between major partners, Beijing's pact with Asean only eliminates tariffs; it hardly, if at all, tackles regulatory barriers to trade in goods and services, investment and public procurement. Other Chinese FTAs, such as its agreement with Pakistan, don't even eliminate most tariffs.

Meanwhile, China's historic opening to the world economy has stalled since about 2006. There has been paltry unilateral liberalization beyond China's WTO commitments. The leadership of President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao is much more cautious than that of their predecessors Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji. Anti-liberalization interests―some ministries, regulatory agencies and resurgent state-owned enterprises (SOEs)―have grown more powerful. Despite, or perhaps because of, China's growing clout, it is unwilling to open markets unilaterally and haggles hard over reciprocal concessions.

Beijing's stalled liberalization is also of a piece with greater industrial-policy intervention, aimed to promote a core of about 50 SOEs, mainly in 'strategic' manufacturing and resource-based sectors, and a handful of state-owned banks that dominate the financial system. China's response to the global financial crisis―a supercharged fiscal and monetary stimulus―bolstered the public sector and state power at the expense of the far-less-subsidized private sector. Beijing's frequent recourse to command-and-control mechanisms such as price controls to fight inflation makes market reform harder.

Protectionist trade policy and dirigiste industrial policy meet at several junctions. Export restrictions―most conspicuously on rare-earth metals―have increased. Tax incentives, subsidies and price controls, as well as administrative 'guidance' on investment decisions, are used to favor domestic goods over imports. China-specific standards, such as on third-generation mobile phones, can create high compliance costs for foreign enterprises. Services barriers, notably in financial and telecommunication services, have come down very slowly, if at all.

Foreign-investment restrictions have been tightened in a range of sectors where SOEs operate, such as iron and steel, petrochemicals, coal, biofuels, news websites, audiovisual and Internet services. Discriminatory government procurement, in the guise of promoting 'indigenous innovation,' favors domestic companies. Joint-venture and technology-transfer requirements on foreign companies promote national champions in high-speed rail, electric cars and renewable-energy sectors. Finally, 'investment nationalism' extends to China's Go Out policy: Resource-based SOEs in particular are buying up foreign assets with cheap capital provided by state-owned banks.

The problem is that this policy mix is incompatible with global economic leadership at a time when China has little choice but to become a global leader. Beijing can't expect its trading partners to accept indefinitely a flood of Chinese exports without opening its own market to their goods. Hence it is in China's own interests to restrain industrial-policy activism and its protectionist spillover. And it should proceed with 'WTO-plus' reforms that move beyond the letter of its accession commitments. It could further reduce applied import tariffs, especially on industrial goods. It should reverse export controls on raw materials and agricultural commodities.

China's more substantial challenge is to tackle high trade-related domestic regulatory barriers in goods, services, investment and public procurement. These measures should be hitched firmly to domestic reforms to improve the business climate and to 'rebalance' the economy―to make it more consumption- and less investment-oriented, with more freedom for the private sector and less public-sector control.

Most of this wish list is not on Beijing's agenda. Leaders are not minded to curtail industrial policy and proceed with reforms beyond their WTO commitments. The latter would mean not merely liberalizing product markets but also reforming highly controlled markets for factors of production like land and capital and for energy inputs like oil, water and electricity. Those lie at the heart of domestic economics and politics. The reforms China most needs now cut to the core of the Communist Party-government-public sector nexus and its grip on power. It is unlikely to happen soon.

The story is not necessarily as grim as might at first appear. Earlier liberalization has left China so deeply integrated into global supply chains that it can't afford to move too far backward on reforms, and Beijing increasingly can't afford to stand still either as it endeavors to deliver steadily rising prosperity. But until it finds a way to break this impasse, China will be limited in its ability to exercise meaningful global leadership. This fact calls for some humility from Chinese leaders who otherwise appear increasingly assertive on the world stage, and for realism from foreign leaders who wish China would exercise a greater leadership role at international forums like the International Monetary Fund, the WTO and the G-20.

(Mr. Sally is director of the European Centre for International Political Economy and on the faculty of the London School of Economics. )

经济学家:世界经济第一 中国没问题 Economist: China No. 1 by 2027 Seems 'A Certainty'


Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
东京大学(Tokyo University)的经济学家伊藤隆敏(Takatoshi Ito)认为,中国正以相当快的速度朝世界第一经济大国迈进。他在去年12月号的《亚洲经济政策评论》(Asian Economic Policy Review)上写道:即使中国的经济增速放慢下来,中国也会在2021至2027年间的某个时候超过美国成为世界头号经济体。伊藤隆敏说,影响中国实现这一进程的不确定事件是,中国会不会像日本那样滑入"失去的十年",不过他认为中国遭此命运的可能性不高。《亚洲经济政策评论》是一份有时会受到学术圈忽略的刊物。


与彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的萨伯拉曼尼安(Arvind Subramanian)等人相比,伊藤隆敏对中国的前景更为乐观。萨伯拉曼尼安认为中国经济规模将在2030年前后超过美国。鉴于中国的人口大约是美国的四倍,中国的经济规模要想超过美国,中国的人均GDP需略微超过美国的四分之一。中国目前的人均GDP是美国的十一分之一。




Bob Davis


With China now officially confirmed as the world's second largest economy, the question is when â ' if ever â ' it will become number one and force the U.S. to eat its dust . A secondary question: What will be the role of the yuan if China takes the top spot?

Takatoshi Ito, an economist at Tokyo University, thinks China's heading to the top fairly quickly. Writing in the December Asian Economic Policy Review, a publication that sometimes gets overlooked on the academic circuit, he calculates that China should pass the U.S. sometime between 2021 and 2027, even if Chinese growth rates slow. The one wild card: China slips into a Japan-like lost decade , which he considers a low probability event.

'China as number one before 2027 seems to be a certainty,' he wrote.

He's more optimistic about China than others, including Arvind Subramanian, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, who figures the cross-over point will be around 2030. With four times the. U.S. population, China needs a GDP per capita of slightly more than one-fourth the U.S. to push ahead. Currently, China's GDP per capita is one-eleventh the level of the U.S.

What does the number one ranking mean for the yuan? In 2011, the yuan accounted for roughly 0.2% for foreign exchange transactions, just behind the Hungarian forint. The much-criticized dollar ranked first, accounting for the majority of transactions, while the euro was a distant number two.

Mr. Ito doesn't make any forecast about how rapidly the yuan will climb on the forex charts. But he does say the yuan has a big footprint regionally. The last time the yuan floated somewhat, from 2005 to 2008, he says the Singaporean dollar, Thai baht, Malaysian ringgit and Philippine peso moved more or less in lockstep.

He figures something similar will happen now, given China's efforts to have the yuan used more internationally. 'The process toward at least becoming a regional key currency, and eventually the international key current, seems to have started,' he wrote.

Bob Davis

大堡礁:优惠多多游客寥寥 Great Barrier Reef: Lots of Deals, Few Guests

Lizard Island
海龟湾(Turtle Bay)

般说来,蜥蜴岛(Lizard Island)的珊瑚美景已经足以让游客慷慨解囊,在旅游旺季为岛上那家五星级度假村的套房付出超过1,300澳元(1,341美元)一晚的高价。这个岛离澳大利亚昆士兰州(Queensland)的福拉德利角(Cape Flattery)只有27公里,岛上有24片白色的沙滩,可以从事浮潜活动,还拥有世界一流的潜水及深海钓鱼设施。

Lizard Island
Watson’s Beach

度假村的女发言人路易丝•朗曼(Louise Longman)说,今年的预订可能会来得晚一点儿,不过,到现在为止,我还不知道会有多少人来订。的确,外国游客预订昆士兰州高档酒店的时间似乎有所推迟,不过,现在判断灾害对国内预订造成的影响还为时尚早。灾害发生的时机真是再糟糕不过了,因为蜥蜴岛度假村所属的北特拉华公司(Delware North Cos.)刚刚掏出了2,000万澳元,对包括该度假村在内的旗下高档酒店进行了翻修。

正常情况下,如果你旺季的时候在蜥蜴岛度假村的锚湾(Anchor Bay)套房住上五个晚上,每晚的房价是将近2,000澳元。如今,你却可以按1,550澳元的价格预订这个套房,享受23%的折扣。一般来说,在8月至11月的旅游旺季,度假村的房间都会提前三至六个月被人订满。如今,度假村却在自己的网站上向游客担保,蜥蜴岛并没有受到“雅西”飓风的影响,现在还在营业。

这家拥有40个房间的高级度假村坐落在一个国家公园里面,远远地避开了洪水和五级飓风“雅西”的伤害——飓风没造成什么破坏,只是迫使酒店疏散了住客,三天以后才恢复营业。即便如此,因为担心国外预订减少,店方还是不得不采取了措施,具体说就是推出了一些吸引眼球的优惠价格。这么干的并不只是蜥蜴岛,代表昆士兰旅游业的政府组织昆士兰旅游局(Tourism Queensland)已经投入超过70万澳元的资金,举办了两场针对澳大利亚居民的市场推广活动,并且推出了一个耗资1,000万澳元的政府援助计划,计划中的部分资金将会用于国际性的市场推广活动。据昆士兰旅游局估计,在这个日历年里,灾害造成的损失合计将达3亿澳元左右。


二十多岁的艾米•巴克斯特(Aimee Baxter)来自纽约,目前正在环游亚太地区。上个星期,她抵达了凯恩斯(Cairns)——要想游览著名的大堡礁(Great Barrier reef),这里就是起点。她本打算推迟自己的凯恩斯之行,用保险公司赔付的旅游保险费先去别的地方。不过,等她到达新西兰的时候,却听说凯恩斯一切正常。接下来的五个星期里,她会从凯恩斯一路游玩到墨尔本,中间还会停下来参加帆船、冲浪和其他一些活动。

巴克斯特的第一段行程是圣灵群岛(Whitsunday islands)三日游,这趟旅程的正常价格是550澳元左右,可她只花了不到350澳元就订到了,因为昆士兰州北部的大多数地方依然是游人稀少。即将踏上圣灵群岛小艇之旅的时候,巴克斯特说,搞旅游的商家全都推出了五花八门的优惠政策,可他们首先得把大家拉到这里来才行。

Geoffrey Rogow


Lizard Island's coral majesty is usually enough to entice travelers to fork over the more than 1,300 Australian dollars (US$1,341) a night for a suite in the five-star resort during peak season. Just 27 kilometers off the coast of Queensland's Cape Flattery, Lizard Island has 24 white-sand beaches, snorkeling, world-class scuba diving and deep-sea fishing.

But a series of floods and a subsequent cyclone devastating Australia's tourism state — Queensland — has many international tourists, who typically book their trips to the area now, rethinking any upcoming travel to the area. And the resort's operators are in overdrive to make sure they still come.

'(Bookings) are looking to be a little later this year, though by how much I couldn't say just yet,' said Louise Longman, a spokeswoman for the resort. While reservations from international travelers seem to have slowed at high-end hotels in Queensland, it's too early to say how domestic bookings will be affected. The timing couldn't be worse. Lizard Island's parent company, Delware North Cos., just refurbished the resort as part of a A$20 million overhaul of its high-end hotels.

Typically, a five-night stay in its Anchor Bay Suite during peak season would cost almost A$2,000 a night. Today, that can be booked for A$1,550 a night, a 23% discount. On its website, the resort — which is typically full during the high season between August and November, booked three to six months in advance — assures visitors 'Lizard Island has not been affected by cyclone Yasi and is open for business.'

The exclusive 40-room resort, surrounded by a national park, broadly side-stepped the floods and category five Cyclone Yasi — which caused little damage but prompted guest evacuations for three days. Even so, concerns about a slowdown in international bookings forced action in the form of attention-grabbing deals, a trend where Lizard Island isn't alone. Tourism Queensland, the government group that represents the tourism industry of Queensland, has launched two marketing campaigns of more than A$700,000 total aimed at Australian residents, with part of an additional A$10 million government support package for the industry expected to be used in international marketing campaigns. All told, the group estimates a loss of about A$300 million this calendar year thanks to the disasters.

Communication is the industry's biggest problem right now, something that was magnified by missteps overseas. The Canadian government issued a travel-advisory warning at one point during the disasters for a part of the country unaffected by the storms. For tourists currently traveling in the region, still in the midst of its rainy season, the deals are the lone bright spot.

Aimee Baxter, a New Yorker in her mid-20s currently traveling through Asia-Pacific, touched down last week in Cairns — the launching point for the famed Great Barrier reef. She had been prepared to delay her Cairns trip and use her travel insurance to travel elsewhere first, but when she checked in from New Zealand, she was told all things were go in Cairns. Over the next five weeks, she will head from Cairns to Melbourne, stopping for sailing, surfing and other activities on the way.

Her first trip, a three-day excursion to the Whitsunday islands — usually costs about A$550. But Ms. Baxter booked the trip for less than A$350 on Wednesday because most of north Queensland remained a ghost town. 'The tour operators are all running so many deals, but they still have to get people just to come here,' said Ms. Baxter before heading out on her Whitsunday boat trip.

Geoffrey Rogow

巴菲特接班人选增至四人 Berkshire Board Adds To Possible Successors

克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)董事会在巴菲特(Warren Buffett)接班人选名单中又加入一个名字。巴菲特多年来一直担任该公司首席执行长,他的接班人选一直是一项“高度机密”。

Bloomberg News
伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)的董事长及首席执行长巴菲特(Warren Buffett)



周一,公众的注意力集中到铁路公司Burlington Northern Santa Fe首席执行长罗斯(Matt Rose)身上。伯克希尔去年收购了尚未持有的这家铁路公司的剩余股权,该交易是伯克希尔迄今为止进行的最大规模的收购,罗斯也因此进入了伯克希尔的管理层。



伯克希尔旗下电力公司董事长、NetJets子公司首席执行长索科尔(David Sokol)一直被认为是接替巴菲特的头号人选。巴菲特在上周六的致股东信中写到,索科尔成绩的广度和重要性怎么说都不为过。

伯克希尔旗下高盈利的再保险公司掌门人杰恩(Ajit Jain)也被提到是一个可能的接班人。巴菲特说,杰恩为伯克希尔增加了数十亿美元的价值,甚至是超人无法战胜的敌人在他面前都会败下阵来。



另外,在伯克希尔上周六公布了收益后,关注该公司的经纪公司Stifel Nicolaus的分析师们周一将伯克希尔股票从“卖出”上调为“持有”。




Erik Holm



The board of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has added a name to its top-secret list of potential successors for longtime Chief Executive Warren Buffett.

The board now has identified four internal candidates it believes are capable of succeeding Mr. Buffett, according to the company's 10-K securities filing Monday. The prior year's filing had put the figure at three.

Monday's filing said each candidate is a 'current Berkshire subsidiary manager.'

The company, one of the nation's largest, has never named the potential successors, but speculation about who will succeed Mr. Buffett, 80 years old, is a favorite pastime of company watchers.

Monday, attention focused on Matt Rose, the head of railroad Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Berkshire last year bought the portion of the railroad it didn't already own in its biggest acquisition ever, a move that brought Mr. Rose into Berkshire's stable of managers.

In his annual letter to shareholders released Saturday, Mr. Buffett said the Burlington deal was 'working out even better than I expected' and stood to increase Berkshire's normal earnings power by more than 30% after tax.

Neither Messrs. Buffett nor Rose immediately responded to requests for comment.

David Sokol, the chairman of Berkshire's utility operations and CEO of its NetJets unit, has been considered the leading candidate. Mr. Buffett wrote in his letter to shareholders Saturday that he 'can't overstate the breadth and importance' of Mr. Sokol's achievements.

Ajit Jain, the head of Berkshire Hathaway's highly profitable reinsurance business, also has been mentioned as a possible successor. Mr. Buffett said Mr. Jain 'has added a great many billions of dollars to the value of Berkshire. Even kryptonite bounces off Ajit.'

Mr. Buffett has no plans to relinquish any of his positions, but has said that when he dies, his job at the helm of Berkshire will be split into three, with a separate chairman and chief executive, and one or more chief investment officers.

As in the past, the company stated in its annual filing that the board has a single successor in mind 'should a replacement be needed currently.'

Separately, analysts at Stifel Nicolaus, a brokerage that tracks the company, on Monday raised its rating on Berkshire shares to 'hold' from 'sell' after the company released results Saturday.

But the firm said it remained skeptical about Berkshire's long-term prospects and flagged several potential problems that could arise when Mr. Buffett is no longer running the company.

Among them: The company may become less nimble at deploying capital under a different leader, and the heads of many of Berkshire's operating units may step aside when Mr. Buffett leaves, Stifel said.

Stifel had been the only major firm with a 'sell' rating on the shares over the past several months. From the end of June through Friday, Berkshire's Class B shares rose 6.5% compared with the 30% return of the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index.

Erik Holm

多干几行的好处 Multiple careers are better than one



过去,人们对这种频繁转行的偏见远不像现在这么大。像本杰明•富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)这样的人并没有被视为半吊子,尽管他曾当过作家、发明家、印刷工和政治家,还做过其它无数工作。但最重要的是,富兰克林相信一点:人应在世上雁过留声,不应虚度光阴。我的墙上贴着一幅英国皇家艺术学会(Royal Society of Arts)的海报(富兰克林曾是该学会会员),海报上引述了富兰克林的一句名言:“如果你不愿在辞世化作粪土后就立刻被人遗忘,那要么就写点值得一读的文字,要么就做点值得记载的事情。”


距我们更近的一个多面手是约翰•弗里曼(John Freeman)。他的开创性系列电视访谈节目《面对面》(Face to Face)曾在1958年至1962年间播出,该节目的DVD版刚刚由英国广播公司(BBC)重新发行。弗里曼干过的行当多得惊人。大学毕业后,他曾于二战时期担任军官,任工党议员10年,然后又当过广播员、《新政治家》杂志(New Statesman)编辑、英国驻华盛顿大使、伦敦周末电视公司(LWT)董事长,最后在加州任大学教授。近日他度过了自己96岁的生日。在21世纪,有谁能像他这样如此完美地实现职业转换?恐怕这类人会被视为半瓶子醋或是没什么真本事的人。


对那些把人严格归类的人士来说,罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)是另一个令他们颜面扫地的范例。最初,里根曾是一名小有成就的好莱坞演员,在美国陆军服过役,而后成为一名工会领袖,即美国影视演员协会(Screen Actors Guild)主席。接下来,他担任过通用电气(GE)的发言人,后来又当选为加州州长。上世纪80年代,他曾两次当选美国总统,被很多美国人视为当代最成功的美国总统。他熟练地利用早期的工作去赢得公众认可、掌握公开演说艺术、理解领导才能并修得对普通公民的吸引力。相对于以党务工作为职业,这是一种更有趣的、获得判断力和可信性的方式——如今,许多政客似乎把党务工作当作一种实习期。


本文作者经营着私人股本公司Risk Capital Partners,同时担任英国皇家艺术学会主席



I have always been transfixed by those who lead multiple careers. They are the ones who refuse to be typecast but instead break convention by embracing a variety of roles, sometimes simultaneously, more often consecutively. To me they are among the most impressive businesspeople, switching vocations and accumulating new skills as they go, achieving great feats across different disciplines. Undoubtedly one of the true joys of being an entrepreneur is that you are not trapped in one stifling occupation but are free to roam.

There was much less prejudice against such wholesale reinventions in previous eras. Characters such as Benjamin Franklin were not seen as dilettantes, despite the fact that he was an author, inventor, printer and politician – among myriad other activities. Above all, he was a man who believed one should make one’s mark in the world and not waste time. I have a poster on my wall from the RSA, where he was a fellow, with a marvellous quote from him: “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” These sorts of legendary polymaths must be human whirlwinds, forever in motion, leading three lives while the rest of us struggle to make progress in just one. But there is no good reason why anyone should be obliged to stick neurotically to a single work trajectory for half a century. We shall probably all have to earn a living until the age of 70, so why not plan to convert to a different field of endeavour in midlife? It is the way to avoid the boredom of sticking to just one discipline. A more recent renaissance figure is John Freeman. Face to Face, his pioneering series of television interviews from 1958 to 1962, has just been re-released on DVD by the BBC. He pursued an astonishing variety of trades. After university he served as an officer in the second world war, became a Labour MP for 10 years, then worked as a broadcaster, edited the New Statesman magazine, served as British ambassador in Washington, then as chairman of television company LWT, finally becoming a university professor in California. It is his 96th birthday this week. Could someone in the 21st century shift professions so seamlessly? I fear they would be dismissed as amateurish or lightweight. Yet surely the experience accumulated across a range of crafts can be immensely valuable. If you focus for decades on one narrow speciality, then you risk becoming blinkered and stale. I accept that “domain knowledge” is essential to excel in any calling. But 20 years must be sufficient to become truly expert. What then? Clearly, casting aside all that training, those qualifications, networks and reference points, is a scary step. Yet where is the excitement in an existence of routine and predictability? We should all attempt to pursue life-long learning in pastures new as a fundamental goal. Ronald Reagan is another great example of defiance towards those who would pigeonhole you. Initially he enjoyed reasonable success as a Hollywood actor, served in the US Army, and then became a union boss, as president of the Screen Actors Guild. Subsequently, he worked as a spokesman for General Electric and was later elected governor of California. In the 1980s, he was twice elected US president and is considered by many of his countrymen to be the most successful holder of that office in modern times. Reagan skilfully used his early jobs to gain public recognition, master the art of public oration, understand leadership and develop an appeal to ordinary citizens. A rather more interesting way to gain judgment and credibility than working as a party hack, which so many of today’s politicians appear to do as their form of apprenticeship. Not everyone can afford to make wholesale changes to their livelihoods while in their prime – but many actually fail to do it through fear or laziness. Yet even cautious individuals can enjoy renewal once they are notionally retired from a first career. Everyone possesses a range of talents; and we should all aim to have second or even third acts in our working lives.

The writer runs Risk Capital Partners, a private equity firm, and is chairman of the Royal Society of Arts


上海市政府拟出售上海家化股份 Shanghai Jahwa stake sell-off


上海家化(Shanghai Jahwa United) 39%的政府股份将被售出,为中国顶级化妆品制造商之一在全球第三大护肤品市场展开更加商业化的竞争铺平道路。







中国护肤品市场吸引了大批跨国企业。欧莱雅在2009年超越美国宝洁(Procter & Gamble),夺得头把交椅。日本的资生堂(Shiseido)和美国的科蒂公司(Coty Inc)也在力求分得一杯羹;科蒂公司近期收购了本土化妆品集团丁家宜(TJoy)。过去20年,上海市政府曾迫使上海家化与美国庄臣公司(SC Johnson)组建了一家考虑不周的合资企业,以及收购一家规模大得多但亏本的国有企业。




A 39 per cent government stake in Shanghai Jahwa United is set to be sold, paving the way for one of China’s top cosmetics manufacturers to compete more commercially in the world’s third biggest skincare market.

China’s nearly Rmb60bn ($9bn) skincare market is a magnet for foreign players such as L’Oréal of France, but domestic players have fallen behind on their home turf. Just one of the top 10 skincare companies is Chinese, according to research consultancy Euromonitor.

Shanghai Jahwa United, which had revenues of Rmb2.4bn in first nine months of 2010 and net profit of Rmb204m, reckons switching into wholly public hands should enable it to compete more effectively. The company, which is partially listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, plans to invest more in marketing and other areas where multinationals are leading.

“Chinese state-owned companies have very poor management skills,” said Ge Wenyao, chairman, in an interview with the Financial Times.

“The government cannot do a good job helping state-owned companies compete in the cosmetic market, so they make the company fully private to better compete.”

Under the restructuring, due to take effect in April or May, the Shanghai government’s holding company will put its stake in Shanghai Jahwa United up for sale, along with a number of other disparate assets it also owns. Potential bidders include China Investment Corp, the sovereign wealth fund; Ping An, the Chinese insurer (in which the Shenzhen government owns a small stake) and Temasek, the investment arm of the Singaporean government. Mr Ge said he was also speaking to private bidders, but declined to name them. Based on last week’s market close, the stake in Shanghai Jahwa United is worth Rmb6.4bn. Together with the other assets, which include a resort hotel, the sale is expected to pull in Rmb7bn for the municipal government.

China’s skincare market grew at a compound annual growth rate of 16 per cent from 2004-2009, according to Euromonitor, which expects total sales to reach Rmb84bn by 2014.

It has attracted shoals of multinationals, with L’Oréal overtaking Procter & Gamble in 2009 to take the top slot. Japan’s Shiseido and Coty Inc of the US are also aggressively pushing for a slice of the action; the latter recently bought local cosmetics group TJoy. In the past two decades, the Shanghai government has forced the company into an ill-conceived joint venture with SC Johnson and to buy a far bigger – but loss making – state-owned company.


上海家化进军高端护肤品市场 Chinese brands step up their game



以李宁(Li Ning)为例,这家中国体操运动员创立的运动服装品牌正进军高端市场,挑战耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司的在华业务。该品牌与阿迪达斯在争夺第二名的竞争中几乎并驾齐驱——说明有越来越多的中国人乐于穿着国产运动鞋。而中国一家化妆品巨头如今正试图复制李宁的成功。

国有企业上海家化(Shanghai Jahwa)正努力将中国女性的注意力从欧莱雅(L’Oreals)和兰蔻(Lancomes)等品牌转移,吸引到上世纪30年代的一个知名品牌身上。当时上海的奢华颓废之风堪比欧洲,此后便不可同日而语。

上海家化以Shanghai VIVE的新名称,重新推出了经典品牌“双妹”,售价最高可达1500元人民币(合220美元)——对于一小瓶面霜或香水而言,价格不菲。 在翻修过的上海外滩,极富艺术装饰建筑风格(Art Deco)的和平饭店重新开业,经过修缮的和平饭店逾显典雅,而上海家化正努力在这里营造出一种后大萧条时期的美艳氛围,以销售新产品系列。


无论是运动服还是护肤品,归根结底还是这句话:中国消费者会愿意为一个国产品牌支付与外资品牌同等的价格吗?当他们愿意这么做时,中国就将完全走上了通往全新高价值社会的道路——这正是中国政府的目标。和平饭店Shanghai VIVE品牌专卖店的销量,或许是衡量中国重塑品牌行动成功与否的一个标准。

Shirley Chen补充报道。




From sneakers to skin cream, Chinese consumer goods companies are no longer willing to kowtow to the foreigners who taught them branding. What’s more, they are taking their game to the big leagues.

Take Li Ning, for example, the Chinese gymnast whose sportswear brand is going upmarket to challenge the likes of Nike and Adidas in China. The brand is neck and neck with Adidas for second place - suggesting that increasing numbers of Chinese feet are happy to be shod by compatriots. A Chinese cosmetics giant is now seeking to emulate Li Ning’s success.

State-owned Shanghai Jahwa has made a play to lure Chinese women away from their L’Oreals and their Lancomes, to a brand famous from when Shanghai last tried to rival Europe for decadence - in the 1930s.

Shanghai Jahwa relaunched its iconic “Shuang Mei” brand under the name Shanghai VIVE - at prices of up to Rmb1500 ($220), stiff for a bit of face cream or a splash of perfume. The company is cultivating an aura of post-Depression glamour to sell the new line at the elegantly restored Art Deco gem, the Peace Hotel, recently re-opened on Shanghai’s renovated Bund.

The company is gambling that today’s beautiful people want local produce in a bit of Art Deco packaging, with nostalgia value thrown in for free. Shanghai ladies may have fond memories of their mothers or grandmothers using the famous cream; but, while a broader trend of Chinese consumers choosing value over foreign branding is taking hold, today’s consumers know that cosmetics are about quality, and rightly or wrongly, they think top quality comes in foreign packaging.

Sportswear or skincare, the bottom line remains: will Chinese consumers pay the same for a local brand as a foreign one? When that point is reached, China will be well on its way to the new high-value society Beijing is aiming for. The volume of sales at the new Shanghai VIVE store in the Peace Hotel may prove as good a proxy as any of the rebranding of China.

Additional reporting by Shirley Chen


网络营销瞄准中国4.6亿网民 China’s digital revolution






参与撰写该报告的尤瓦尔•阿茨蒙(Yuval Atsmon)表示:“信息集散人士是最具吸引力的用户群之一,因为他们往往在论坛上具有较大影响力,喜欢购买化妆品和奢侈品。”




When a call for revolution spread over the internet in China last week, almost nobody responded – pro-democracy demonstrations fell flat. But according to analysts, a different digital revolution is happening – a commercial one.

China’s 457m internet users are rapidly becoming a key target audience for online marketing, McKinsey says in a new report released on Wednesday.

The consultancy estimates that the country’s mobile web users will increase by almost 50 per cent to 333m over the coming year and its total internet population balloon to 750m by 2015.

15 per cent of China’s online population today are heavy users, according to McKinsey’s latest research. In this group, ‘digital junkies’, the 18-to-24-year-olds in China’s largest cities, who buy and use new tech gadgets early, spend more than 28 hours a week on digital media. Another group of heavy users are lower-income young people from smaller, less developed cities who spend more than eight hours a week playing online games.

Another 25 per cent of China’s online population are moderate users, but probably the most promising target group for online marketing right now. These users consist of higher-income professionals and executives who tend to research and communicate – the ‘info-centrics’ – and the early adopters of mobile devices.

“The info-centrics are one of the most attractive segments because they tend to be influential in forums and they spend on cosmetics and luxury goods,” says Yuval Atsmon, one of the report’s authors.

A whopping 60 per cent of China’s online population are only light users of the web – high school students, blue collar workers and less educated residents of smaller cities. However, this segment is by no means lost for marketers as its members are gearing up to buy everything from digital music players to Netbooks and e-readers, says McKinsey.


香港豪门的遗产纷争 Hong Kong's Feuding Families

在轰轰烈烈上演的赌王何鸿�(Stanley Ho)的家族纷争可谓豪门家产继承纠纷最为戏剧化的一个案例──不过,在亿万豪门俯拾皆是的香港,这样的事件绝非个案。


口士打律师行(Mayer Brown JSM)专攻家庭纠纷官司的合伙人莫子应(Jonathan Mok)说,这种事情越来越常见,这方面的官司肯定会越来越多。


香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)副教授、该校亚洲家族企业与创业研究中心(Center for Asian Family Business and Entrepreneurship Studies)联席主任阿里•比巴(Ali Beba)说,跟西方相比,香港的企业会更多地看重人际关系,家族成员之间更加紧密相连,相对而言,西方企业更多地就事论事。








家族产业:何鸿�是澳门博彩控股有限公司(SJM Holdings Ltd., )的董事长,后者是澳门以收入计规模最大的赌场运营商。此外,他还通过在香港上市的信德集团有限公司(Shun Tak Holdings Ltd)从事交通、医院、投资和房地产生意。

继承人:何鸿�与四个女人生了17个孩子。四太太梁安琪(Angela Leong)是澳门立法会议员。女儿何超琼(Pansy)是信德集团有限公司的常务董事,儿子何猷龙(Lawrence)是纳斯达克上市博彩公司新濠博亚娱乐(Melco Crown Entertainment)的首席执行长,女儿何超仪(Josie)则是一名歌手兼演员。

纷争: 2008年,与何鸿�长期不和的妹妹何婉琪试图阻挠澳门博彩控股有限公司IPO上市(未果)。2010年,经过四年的调查,新泽西州博彩业执法当局禁止美高梅金殿梦幻(MGM Mirage)同何超琼进行业务往来,称何鸿�据说同犯罪集团之间有关联,因此何超琼不是一个合适的合作对象。何鸿�否认了这些说法,而且也从未因不当行为遭到过指控。美高梅卖掉了新泽西州大西洋赌城Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa酒店赌场50%的股权,继续同何超琼保持合作关系,双方合作在澳门开设有一家赌场。如今,何氏家族正针对何鸿�拥有的澳博控股18%的股份展开争夺战。

家长:甘穗辉(Kam Shui-fai)

家族产业:甘穗辉创办了香港最负盛名的餐厅之一──镛记酒家,以烧鹅而声名远扬。法庭资料显示,私人控股公司镛记控股有限公司(Yung Kee Holdings Ltd.)占有镛记酒家80%的股份,在截止2009年4月的财年中其净利润为5100万港元(656万美元)。相关资料还透露甘氏家族拥有超过20亿港元的资产。

继承人:甘穗辉辞世时,给了长子甘建成(Kinsen Kam)和次子甘琨礼(Kam Kwan-lai)各45%的股份,。女儿甘美玲(Kam Mei-ling)则得到了10%的股份,不过她将这些股份卖给了甘琨礼,后者因此拥有了55%的多数股份。


家长:郭得胜(Kwok Tak-seng)

家族产业:郭得胜(已于1990年去世)同恒基兆业地产有限公司(Henderson Land Development)总裁李兆基合作创办了新鸿基地产公司(Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.),是香港市值最大的地产开发公司。郭氏家族占有该公司大约42%的股份。


纷争:2008年,郭氏兄弟的母亲、时年79岁的邝肖卿(Kwong Siu-hing)取代大儿子郭炳湘成为新鸿基的非执行董事兼主席。此前郭炳湘表示,两个弟弟散布谣言称他患有躁郁症,不过他坚称自己身体很健康。


1月25日,郭炳湘通过《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)表示,他希望几个月之内能有新的解决方案出台,此前在2 010年10月,郭家提出给他200亿港元,其中包括42.4%的新鸿基地产股份,他当时拒绝了。

家长:陈廷骅(Chen Din-hwa)

家族产业:南丰集团(Nan Fung Group),涉猎纺织、地产、航运行业。


纷争:2010年11月,港媒报导,陈廷骅之妻杨福和(Yang Foo-oi)因家族财产纷争向法院起诉其二女儿陈慧慧。在陈廷骅被确诊为老年痴呆症、认知能力衰退之时,陈慧慧接任了南丰集团的董事长兼总经理。

家长:王德辉(Teddy Wang),1990年被绑架后失踪,1999年被宣告死亡,不过其尸体一直未能找到。

家族产业:华懋集团(Chinachem Group),主要从事医药及房产行业,资产数十亿美元。

继承人:2005年,香港终审法院判定王德辉遗孀龚如心(Nina)继承其全部遗产。而此前在2002年,高等法院裁定由王德辉的父亲王廷歆(Wang Din-shin)为其全部遗产继承人,判处龚如心伪造遗嘱。龚如心继承遗产后再接再厉,进一步扩大了华懋房产业务。

纷争:2007年龚如心去世后,又出现了两份遗嘱,受益人分别为华懋慈善基金(Chinachem Charitable Foundation)和龚如心的情人、风水师陈振聪(Tony Chan)。去年,法院裁决华懋慈善基金取得遗产继承权,认定陈振聪所持遗嘱系伪造。不过陈振聪提请了上诉,1月10日法院再次开庭审理此案。

Cathy Yan


The ongoing Stanley Ho family feud is a dramatic example of the challenges facing the generational transfer of family fortunes but in Hong Kong, the land of billion-dollar dynasties, it is hardly the only.

Atop many of Hong Kong's largest companies are aging entrepreneurs who began making fortunes in the 1950s and '60s, at the height of the postwar boom. Now that these magnates are in their twilight years, the question of their succession is coming to light and often being settled with ugly court battles, including mothers suing their children and brothers ousting brothers. Within the past year, a number of legal disputes have erupted over the distribution of money and power in multibillion-dollar family businesses.

'This is certainly becoming a trend,' says Jonathan Mok, a partner at law firm Mayer Brown JSM in Hong Kong who specializes in family disputes litigation. 'This area of litigation will just grow and grow.'

Succession is complicated by Hong Kong's large extended families and a business culture that stresses the importance of lineage. Hong Kong empires tend to be tightly controlled by families in which almost every offspring is involved in the business. Multiple marriages and concubines were legal in Hong Kong until 1971, meaning ownership within the family can be quite extensive and disputes especially involved.

'Entrepreneurship in this region is more relationship-based and families are more closely tied, as opposed to the West where it's more transactional,' says Ali Beba, an adjunct professor at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and the associate director of the school's Center for Asian Family Business and Entrepreneurship Studies.

Furthermore, the cycle of wealth is much newer in Asia than in the West, so fortunes are only starting to transfer to the second generation.

But when it comes to succession, many of these magnates are holding out as long as they can to distribute their wealth.

'It's not because they need it for their afterlife, but because they see money as control. If they give it away, perhaps they also will lose their children's affection,' Mr. Mok says.

Institutional structures for wealth planning and succession are relatively new to Hong Kong ─ and far less accepted than in the West. Setting up trusts years in advance of the death of a patriarch used to be a way to avoid inheritance tax. But the legal safeguard has become even less popular after inheritance tax was abolished in 2006.

'They tend to keep everything hush-hush,' Mr. Mok says of Hong Kong's wealthy families. 'That causes the trouble.'

Family Feuds in the News

Ho Family
Patriarch: Stanley Ho

Realm: Stanley Ho is chairman of SJM Holdings Ltd., Macau's largest casino operator by revenue. He also controls transportation, hospitality, investment and property businesses under Hong Kong-listed Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.

Heirs: Has 17 children with four women. His fourth wife, Angela Leong, is a Macau legislator. Daughter Pansy is managing director of Shun Tak Holdings Ltd., while son Lawrence is CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment, a Nasdaq-listed casino company. Daughter Josie is a singer and actress.

Feuds: Stanley Ho's estranged sister, Winnie Ho, tried (but failed) to stop the SJM initial public offering in 2008. In 2010, after a four-year investigation, New Jersey gambling authorities forbade MGM Mirage from doing business with Pansy Ho, saying she is an unsuitable partner due to alleged links between Stanley Ho and criminal enterprises. Stanley Ho has denied the allegations and has never been charged with wrongdoing. MGM sold its 50% stake in the Borgata Hotel Casino in Atlantic City, and continues to do business with Ms. Ho, its partner in a Macau casino resort. Now the Ho family is embroiled in a dispute over the patriarch's controlling 18% stake in SJM.

Kam Family
Patriarch: Kam Shui-fai

Realm: Kam Shui-fai started the Yung Kee restaurant, one of Hong Kong's most renowned restaurants, famous for its roast goose. The restaurant is 80% owned by private holding company Yung Kee Holdings Ltd. and earned 51 million Hong Kong dollars (US$6.56 million) in net profit for the financial year ending April 2009, according to court documents. Documents also revealed that the Kam family had more than HK$2 billion in assets.

Heirs: When Kam Shui-fai died, he gave 45% of shares to older son Kinsen Kam and younger son Kam Kwan-lai each. Daughter Kam Mei-ling got 10% but sold her share to the younger Kam, giving him a majority stake of 55%.

Feuds: Last July, older son Kinsen Kam filed a wind-up petition in Hong Kong court that threatened to close the business unless his younger brother buys out his 45% share. The younger son applied to dismiss the petition. The court ruled that winding-up is an option and dismissed the application to strike the petition.

Kwok Family
Patriarch: Kwok Tak-seng

Realm: Co-founded by Kwok Tak-seng, who died in 1990, and Henderson Land Development Chief Executive Lee Shau-kee, Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. is Hong Kong's largest property developer by market capitalization. The Kwok family owns around 42% of the company.

Heirs: Three sons: Walter, Thomas and Raymond.

Feuds: In 2008 the eldest son, Walter, was replaced by matriarch Kwong Siu-hing, 79 years old at the time, as nonexecutive director and chairman of Sun Hung Kai. Walter had earlier said that his brothers wanted to oust him by saying he had bipolar disorder, though he insisted that he was healthy.

In October, Mrs. Kwong removed Walter as a beneficiary of the family trusts that control Sun Hung Kai, though a third of the money would still be held for 'Walter Kwok's family.' At the time, Walter denied in a separate statement that shareholding interests had changed.

Walter told the South China Morning Post on Tuesday that a new settlement may be resolved in a few months, after he had rejected an offer of HK$20 billion and a 42.4 % stake in the Sun Hung Kai business in October.

Chen Family
Patriarch: Chen Din-hwa

Realm: Nan Fung Group, a private company involved in textiles, property and shipping.

Heirs: Two daughters: Vivien and Angela.

Feuds: In November, local media reported that Chen Din-hwa's wife, Yang Foo-oi, sued her youngest daughter, Vivien Chen, in a dispute over the distribution of assets. Vivien Chen had taken over as chairman and managing director of Nan Fung after her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and deemed mentally incapacitated.

Wang Family
Patriarch: Teddy Wang, who was kidnapped and disappeared in 1990. He was declared dead in 1999, though his body was never found.

Realm: Chinachem Group, a multibillion-dollar company that deals with pharmaceuticals and property.

Heirs: In 2005, Nina won her late husband's entire estate after an appeal to Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal. In 2002, the High Court had ruled that Teddy Wang's father, Wang Din-shin, would inherit all of the money and charged Nina with forging a will. Nina went on to build Chinachem into a large property development company.

Feuds: When Nina died in 2007, another dispute erupted over two wills, which would either hand over her entire fortune to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation or to her lover Tony Chan, a feng shui master. Last year, the court ruled in favor of the charity and said that Tony Chan's will was forged. But now Tony Chan is back with an appeal that began on Jan. 10.

Cathy Yan

NBA扣篮大赛 中国元素出风头 NBA Dunker Straddles China-U.S. Divide

美职业篮球联赛(NBA)全明星周末已落下帷幕,上周六晚的扣篮大赛中,坐镇主场的洛杉矶快船队(Los Angeles Clippers)的格里芬(Blake Griffinof)飞跃一辆汽车扣篮获得冠军。而亚军麦基(JaVale McGee)对球鞋的选择无异于一份中美关系声明。

Jeff Gross/Getty Images
2011年2月19日,在洛杉矶史泰博体育中心举行的全明星扣篮大赛中,华盛顿奇才队的麦基(JaVale McGee)起跳扣篮。他脚上穿的是以中美国旗为设计主题的匹克球鞋。
麦基是华盛顿奇才队(Washington Wizards)的中锋,他在尝试最后一记扣篮时──从篮板下反身扣篮──脚上穿的球鞋好像不成对:一只是红白蓝色系,另一只是红黄相间。但是这绝非这位23岁球星不小心穿错了鞋,而是他为此次年度扣篮大赛准备的球鞋时尚秀的高潮。

去年12月,麦基签约成为中国福建的匹克体育用品有限公司美国分公司的代言人,匹克签约了多位NBA球星以提高其篮球装备的知名度,这些球星包括基德(Jason Kidd)、乐福 (Kevin Love)和阿泰斯特(Ron Artest)。近几周,好几位球星都出现在了中国的春节广告中,看起来很别扭,他们身穿喜庆的红色和金色,衷心祝愿观众新年好(虽然这个新年跟他们的新年时间不一样)。


对匹克这样一个与耐克的"飞人乔丹"( Air Jordan)产品系列争夺中国国内外眼球的品牌来说,麦基的举动在提高全球曝光率上起到了很好的作用:麦基令人吃惊的技巧会激起有关谁真正有资格赢得比赛的争论。伴随着高中生合唱凯利(R. Kelly)的《I Believe I Can Fly》的悦耳歌声,格里芬飞跃一辆起亚远舰(Kia Optima)汽车投篮从而锁定胜局,而麦基如同杂耍一般的扣篮也为一项长期被认为逐渐丧失原创性的比赛注入了些许活力。他将三球连续扣进一个篮筐,其中一个球是他的母亲、曾效力于美国国家女子篮球联盟(WNBA)的帕米拉•麦基(Pamela McGee)传给他的。最吸引眼球的是,他利用超长臂展的优势,完成了双球分扣两个篮筐


Miguel Gonzalez Jr.


The NBA's all-star weekend is over, and Saturday night's slam dunk contest was won by hometown favorite Blake Griffinof the Los Angeles Clippers, who jumped over a car to win the title. But the second-place finisher, JaVale McGee, made a statement on Sino-U.S. relations with his choice of shoes.

Mr. McGee, a center with the Washington Wizards, delivered his final dunk attemptâ 'a reverse jam from under the backboardâ 'wearing seemingly mismatched sneakers: one in red, white and blue and another in red and yellow. It was no accident, though, only the culmination of a footwear fashion show the 23-year-old had planned for the annual event.

Mr. McGee signed in December as an endorser with the U.S. unit of Peak Sport Products, a Fujian-based producer of athletic gear that has been raising its basketball game by signing a number of NBA stars, including Jason Kidd, Kevin Love and Ron Artest. A number of them appeared in an awkward Lunar New Year adin China in recent weeks, decked out in auspicious red and gold, wishing viewers a hearty and out-of-sync new year's greeting.

Peak designed five different pairsof shoes for Mr. McGee's dunk contest appearance, including pairs inspired by the U.S. and Chinese flags, which the player mixed to diplomatic effect in the finale. The fact that he plays in the nation's capital would seem to lend the move an oddly appropriate resonance, and we're sure his finishing No. 2, the position China's economy was recently confirmed to have taken from Japan, is purely coincidental.

For Peak, a brand competing with the likes of Nike's Air Jordanfor attention in China and abroad, his moves worked out well in terms of global exposure: Mr. McGee's dramatic flair will fuel debate about who really deserved to win the contest. Mr. Griffin sealed the title by vaulting over a Kia Optima to the dulcet tones of a high school choir singing R. Kelly's 'I Believe I Can Fly,' but Mr. McGee's acrobatics also injected some life into an event long thought to be running out of originality. He dunked three balls in one basketâ 'one of which was presented to him by his mother, Pamela McGee, who played in the WNBAâ 'and, most notably, used his considerable wingspan to dunk on two rimsplaced side by side.

Mr. Griffin won the night, but Mr. McGee managed to generate some buzz for himselfâ 'and Peak.

Miguel Gonzalez Jr.

巴菲特未来将会收购哪些公司? What Should Berkshire Buy?


周六上午,巴菲特非常清楚地表达了自己的意图。去年伯克希尔公司史上最大的一笔收购案──收购铁路公司Burlington Northern的效果比预计的要好。现在巴菲特说,他渴望进行更多的收购。



巴菲特与合伙人芒格(Charlie Munger)在年报中说,公司越大,我们的兴趣也就越大。








被伯克希尔收购是一件好事吗?在伯克希尔的股东、Lountzis Asset Management LLC的总裁郎齐兹(Paul Lountzis)看来,的确如此。


Jamie Heller


M&A bankers, the gauntlet is down.

Warren Buffett couldn't have made his intentions any clearer Saturday morning. Last year's Burlington Northern acquisition, the biggest of Berkshire's history, is working out even better than expected. Now, he says, he's hungry for more.

Berkshire Hathaway is prepared for 'more major acquisitions', he wrote in his annual report, continuing: 'Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy.'

As for what constitutes major, the report says Berkshire would like to make an acquisition in the $5 billion to $20 billion range.

'The larger the company, the greater will be our interest,' says Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger in the annual report.

But big isn't enough. As a checklist for possible comers, the pair offer this list of criteria:

'(1) Large purchases (at least $75 million of pre-tax earnings unless the business will fit into one of our existing units),

(2) Demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of no interest to us, nor are 'turnaround' situations),

(3) Businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt,

(4) Management in place (we can't supply it),

(5) Simple businesses (if there's lots of technology, we won't understand it),

(6) An offering price (we don't want to waste our time or that of the seller by talking, even preliminarily, about a transaction when price is unknown.)'

Is being bought by Berkshire a good thing? Paul Lountzis, a Berkshire shareholder and president of Lountzis Asset Management LLC, think so.

Commenting on the annual report on Saturday, he said: 'It is clear that Berkshire's future success will depend more and more on its ability to acquire entire businesses around the world. Berkshire Hathaway is the perfect home for many businesses - a far better choice than private equity, going public or selling to a strategic buyer.'

Jamie Heller

伯克希尔大丰收 巴菲特欲增加收购 Berkshire's Buffett Eyes More Major Deals as Earnings Surge



在信中,巴菲特探讨了未来一年的情况,他和伯克希尔副董事长芒格(Charlie Munger)认为将是“正常的一年”。 今年的商业大环境将好于去年,但比不上2005和2006年,也不会有可能导致保险业务大额支出的重大灾难性事件。巴菲特说,在这样的年头,伯克希尔资产剔除资本收益或损失的税前收益有望达到170亿美元,税后收益120亿美元


Bloomberg News
伯克希尔不久前聘任前对冲基金经理库姆斯(Todd Combs)任投资经理,在此之前经历了漫长的搜寻,想找到可能接替巴菲特任伯克希尔首席投资长的候选人。巴菲特写到,许多投资经理近来的投资纪录都不错,但伯克希尔想要的是对风险有深刻认识、十分敏感的人,并能预期从未发生过的事件的影响。




巴菲特写到,对于索科尔(David Sokol)所获成就和重要性,他“怎么说都不过分”。索科尔是公共事业公司中美能源(MidAmerican Energy)的董事长,并任飞机租赁公司NetJets Inc.的首席执行长,扭转了后者的亏损局面。

他指出,掌管汽车保险商Geico的奈斯利(Tony Nicely)让这家公司的市场份额从1993年他加入公司时的2%增长到了8.8%,还说自己欠了奈斯利一个大人情。负责伯克希尔利润丰厚的再保险业务的杰恩(Ajit Jain)则为伯克希尔的价值增加了数十亿美元。巴菲特不无幽默地写到,就连能克制超人的氪石对杰恩也丝毫无损。





受铁路公司Burlington Northern Santa Fe业绩提振,伯克希尔2010年的净收入高达130亿美元。伯克希尔去年2月以270亿美元的价格收购了Burlington Northern Santa Fe。在致股东信中,巴菲特将这笔交易称作“2010年的亮点”,并说效果比他预计的更好。去年,Burlington Northern Santa Fe的营业收益为45亿美元,净收益为25亿美元,比2009年上涨约40%。








伯克希尔的巨额投资组合中的股票持续复苏,受此提振,伯克希尔的账面价值在2010年增加了262亿美元。伯克希尔持仓量最大的两支股票富国银行(Wells Fargo & Co.)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola Co.)去年均上涨了15%,伯克希尔持有这两支股票的账面价值已经超过110亿美元。

股票和铁路公司Burlington Northern并非投资组合中惟一创造收益的组成部分。

在衰退中遭受销售额下滑和利润缩水的伯克希尔所持有的一批企业现在似乎开始复苏。巴菲特透露,包括Fruit of the Loom、位于以色列的工具制造商Iscar以及电子元器件分销商TTI在内的企业业绩均有改善。




Mr. Buffett said an 'overwhelming' part of the future investments of Berkshire's businesses would be in the United States. Of $8 billion in capital spending slated for 2011, which his letter called a record amount, Berkshire will spend all of a $2 billion increase from last year in the U.S. He said the U.S. offers 'an abundance' of opportunity.

Berkshire's insurance units give Mr. Buffett money to invest until the premiums collected are needed to pay claims years in the future. Mr. Buffett calls these funds 'float,' and he reported Saturday that the pool of funds swelled to about $66 billion from $63 billion a year earlier. Investment income from the insurance operations was about $5.2 billion, compared to $5.5 billion in 2009.

In the letter, Mr. Buffett discussed what he and Berkshire vice-chairman Charlie Munger would regard as a 'normal year' for Berkshire. That would be one with a general business climate better than last year's, but weaker than 2005 or 2006, and one without a large catastrophic event that could trigger large payouts from its insurance business. In such a year, Berkshire's assets could expect to earn about $17 billion in pre-tax and $12 billion in after-tax earnings, excluding capital gains or losses, he said.

Mr. Buffett, who turned 80 last August, also touched on succession planning in his letter. Besides being Berkshire's chief executive and chairman, Mr. Buffett is also its chief investment officer with responsibility for the company's over $150 billion investment portfolio of cash, stocks, bonds and other assets. He has said that when he dies, his job at the helm of Berkshire will be split into three, with a separate chairman, chief executive, and one or more chief investment officers.

Berkshire recently hired former hedge fund manager Todd Combs as an investment manager following a lengthy search for candidates that could potentially step into Mr. Buffett's role as Berkshire's chief investment officer. Many money managers had good investing records recently, but Berkshire has been looking for individuals who have a deep understanding and sensitivity to risk and can anticipate the effect of events that have never occurred, Mr. Buffett wrote.

'When Charlie and I met Todd Combs, we knew he fit our requirements,' Mr. Buffett noted. He said the 40-year-old would initially manage funds in the range of $1 billion to $3 billion, an amount that can be reset annually. While Mr. Combs's focus will be on stocks, he isn't restricted to that type of investment, Mr. Buffett noted.

The search for competent money managers isn't over. Mr. Buffett said Berkshire may, over time, add one or two investment managers 'if we find the right individuals,' and the managers' compensation will be tied to their performance.

As in previous years, Mr. Buffett devoted portions of his annual letter to praising the managers of Berkshire's operating units, including some individuals company watchers believe are candidates for the Berskhire CEO job.

Mr. Buffett wrote that he 'can't overstate the breadth and importance' of achievements by David Sokol, chairman of utility operator MidAmerican Energy and chief executive of NetJets Inc., who turned the fractional jet ownership business around from a loss.

He noted that Tony Nicely, who runs auto insurer Geico, grew its market share to 8.8% from 2% when he joined the company in 1993, adding he owes Mr. Nicely a huge debt. And Ajit Jain, head of Berkshire Hathaway's highly profitable reinsurance business, 'has added a great many billions of dollars to the value of Berkshire. Even kryptonite bounces off Ajit,' Mr. Buffett quipped.

Mr. Buffett made it clear he has no plans to relinquish any of his jobs. Referring to the investment portfolio, he wrote: 'As long as I am CEO, I will continue to manage the great majority of Berkshire's holdings, both bonds and equities.'

He said that when he and Mr. Munger, 87, are no longer around, Berkshire's investment managers will have responsibility for the entire portfolio in a manner then set by Berkshire's CEO and board of directors. The board, he added, 'will make the call on any major acquisition.'

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Chairman Warren Buffett, in his widely followed annual letter to shareholders, said he is prepared for 'more major acquisitions' as the conglomerate on Saturday reported a 61% jump in 2010 earnings and a growing cash hoard.

'We're prepared. Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy,' the billionaire investor said in the letter accompanying Berkshire's annual report.

The Omaha, Neb. company's 2010 net income of $13 billion received a big boost from railroad operator Burlington Northern Santa Fe, which Berkshire acquired for roughly $27 billion last February. In his letter, Mr. Buffett called the deal 'the highlight of 2010' and said it's working out 'even better' than he had expected, The railroad business generated $4.5 billion in operating earnings last year and $2.5 billion in net earnings, up about 40% from 2009.

While Berkshire has spent tens of billions of dollars on capital-intensive businesses like railroads and utility operators in recent years, its other businesses, such as insurance, are still generating large amounts of cash for Mr. Buffett to invest in financial assets and to acquire more businesses. At the end of 2010, Berkshire's pile of cash and cash equivalents stood at $38 billion, the highest year-end amount since 2007. Berkshire's businesses, Mr. Buffett noted, are now earning about $1 billion a month.

As Berkshire tries to keep growing from an ever-expanding base, Mr. Buffett has to find more avenues to invest to achieve his long-stated goal of increasing the company's value faster than the rate of growth in the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index.

WSJ's Jamie Heller and Erik Holm discuss the implications of the newly released letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders from billionaire investor Warren Buffett.

Berkshire's book value, a measure of assets minus liabilities that is a rough proxy for the company's actual, or 'intrinsic' value, grew 13% in 2010 to $95,453 per share, versus last year's 15.1% return of the S&P 500. It was the second year in a row, and only the eighth time in Mr. Buffett's 46 years of running Berkshire, that the company's book value change didn't beat the index, whose returns include dividends. Berkshire is now a component of that index following last year's B-share stock split and purchase of Burlington Northern.

Mr. Buffett repeated a refrain from past years, stating that Berkshire's future performance is unlikely to replicate its past. Noting the company's 'now only satisfactory' performance against the S&P in recent years, Mr. Buffett wrote: 'The bountiful years, we want to emphasize, will never return. The huge sums of capital we currently manage eliminate any chance of exceptional performance.'
Berkshire's Annual Report

Mr. Buffett said if Berkshire over time outperforms the market, as shareholders should expect from the company, it will likely be from producing better relative results in bad years for the stock market while suffering poorer results in stronger years.

Shareholders last year were not disappointed. Berkshire's Class A shares gained 21% in 2010, giving the company a market value of roughly $200 billion at year end. The shares are up nearly 6% so far this year, closing at $127,550 on Friday.

Berkshire's book value, which grew $26.2 billion in 2010, was boosted by the continuing recovery of stocks in Berkshire's giant investment portfolio. Wells Fargo & Co. and Coca-Cola Co., Berkshire's largest equity positions, each rose 15% last year, and each holding is now valued at more than $11 billion.

Stocks and Burlington Northern weren't the only part of the portfolio that delivered.

A host of Berkshire-owned businesses that had suffered from declining sales and shrinking profits amid the recession now appear to be recovering. Mr. Buffett heralded improvements at units including Fruit of the Loom, Israel-based toolmaker Iscar and electronic-components distributor TTI.

Net earnings from Berkshire's manufacturing, service and retailing operations more than doubled from a year ago to $2.5 billion in 2010 as the businesses rode the recovering economy. The company's annual report said it anticipates that 'general economic conditions will continue to gradually improve, albeit unevenly, over time.'